Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I'd rather a deal is made that cedes some territory to Russia but avoids WW3 and ends the conflict.
The problem here is... RUSSIA wants ALL of Ukraine. So any deal made will be temporary until they re-arm, and go at it again. You give them land now, and it is basically saying to the Russians it was worth it in some way as they got something. Show them they got ZERO for the thousands of lives lost, and they might not be so hasty next time.
The problem here is... RUSSIA wants ALL of Ukraine. So any deal made will be temporary until they re-arm, and go at it again. You give them land now, and it is basically saying to the Russians it was worth it in some way as they got something. Show them they got ZERO for the thousands of lives lost, and they might not be so hasty next time.
They were successful with Crimea so they came back for more.
Published 19 Oct 22. CBC's David Common gets rare access to NATO's sophisticated Boeing E-3 Sentry (AWACS) surveillance aircraft that monitors Russian war activity in and around Ukraine, and provides information to allies, allowing Ukraine to quickly respond.

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Depends who let it off doesn't it?

Russians might detonate a dirty bomb, blame Ukraine and then launch a response.

What, with their 12 year old pirated copies of Photoshop? Some of the propaganda coming out of Russia is so amateur it's unbelievable, until you see what they are using on the battlefield. "Superpower" :o Even their reddit shills are losing ground
Do the Russians really think that nobody will notice when they do this ****?

It doesn't matter if some people notice, for 3 reasons:

i) Many people in Russia won't notice because they don't have access to information other than what their rulers tell them.
ii) Repeating lies is an effective tool in politics. Repeat a lie often enough and often an increasing number of people will believe it.
iii) Almost everyone who does notice will already know that it's a threat rather than a statement of truth. Putin is threatening to use nukes and stating what excuse he'll use for doing so.
Only been 30 years since the last (attempted) coup (or less if you count 1993 as a coup...), must be people around that remember how it's supposed to play out...
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How about a quick round of 'Ukraine or Vietnam'?

I disagree with these commentators who say Bakhmut has little military/strategic value - albeit hopefully Ukraine has transitioned away from using it as a hub for logistics in that area so there is less value in taking it in that respect but Russia needs it for its road and crucially rail connections to bring up supplies to enable their further movement into Ukraine in that region - without it they are pretty much stalled in that region anyhow. Losing it would also mean Ukraine has to use less ideal routes for moving forces and supplies in response to Russian movements against the region. (IMO people are using far too much Western military logic to interpret Russia's actions).

Though even taking the city Russia's problems don't end there as to the north and west sides of it there is higher ground which significantly favours the defenders making it a pain to hold or push out from without overwhelming force.
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