Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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Ending the war sooner with a massively weakened enemy state is a pretty big advantage for us.

I'm quite worried about the consequences of Russian weaknesses or collapse. There are a lot of "frozen conflicts" among the post-Soviet 'stans. Russia has played an important role in stopping all those conflicts from blowing up into full scale wars by being the biggest bully in the room. If Russia leaves all this too weakened, I think it's quite likely that we'll see full scale wars between various constellations of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikstan, and Kyrgystan, and between Armenia and Azerbaijan. We could see Baltic level carnage in these states and that could draw in other regional powers: India, Pakistan, and China in particular, but also Turkey and Iran.

Not that I'll shed much of a tear for Putin's Russia, but the consequences may be dire.
Putin fanbois: 'Just wait until winter, Russia's greatest ally!'

Ukrainians: 'LOL.'



Based. Saab has been making military hardware for the best part of 100 years, not sure why you're surprised by this.

Meanwhile someone posted a few weeks ago about Ukrainians building saunas on the frontline to be ready for the winter. If Russians are already dying from the cold, you have to wonder how bad it'll get. A large percentage of the male population of Russia will just cease to be
Meanwhile someone posted a few weeks ago about Ukrainians building saunas on the frontline to be ready for the winter. If Russians are already dying from the cold, you have to wonder how bad it'll get. A large percentage of the male population of Russia will just cease to be
A lesson possibly leaned from the Finnish experience in their wars with Russia during WW2.

2 saunas in each trench complex: 1 to keep the troops warm and clean and 1 to kill all the lice in their uniforms.
A lesson possibly leaned from the Finnish experience in their wars with Russia during WW2.

2 saunas in each trench complex: 1 to keep the troops warm and clean and 1 to kill all the lice in their uniforms.
Did Putin send all of Russia's historians in the first wave?

Surely they would have known what happens in Winter time warefare
A large percentage of the male population of Russia will just cease to be
It reminds me of something I read about population pyramids a while back. Pyramids such as these:

They show an undulating population by age. Instead of being s straight pyramid with the widest at the bottom and thinnest at the top, it shows undulations through the ages. Apparently the narrowing parts of the undulations are echoes of the people lost in the wars. Not sure how true that is but it makes sense. If a large number of young men are killed in a short space of time then they won't be around to have kids, grandkids, etc. So the populatipon pyramid dips every 20 years or so.
It reminds me of something I read about population pyramids a while back. Pyramids such as these:

They show an undulating population by age. Instead of being s straight pyramid with the widest at the bottom and thinnest at the top, it shows undulations through the ages. Apparently the narrowing parts of the undulations are echoes of the people lost in the wars. Not sure how true that is but it makes sense. If a large number of young men are killed in a short space of time then they won't be around to have kids, grandkids, etc. So the populatipon pyramid dips every 20 years or so.

That's not right. The irregularity is largely a result of immigration, which is why the adult count bulges like that. Large numbers of adults migrating to the uk causes that effect.
Based. Saab has been making military hardware for the best part of 100 years, not sure why you're surprised by this.

I'm not - it is the style of the video I found a little surprising which is somewhat different to the normal style of PR piece these kind of companies put out.
They show an undulating population by age. Instead of being s straight pyramid with the widest at the bottom and thinnest at the top, it shows undulations through the ages. Apparently the narrowing parts of the undulations are echoes of the people lost in the wars. Not sure how true that is but it makes sense. If a large number of young men are killed in a short space of time then they won't be around to have kids, grandkids, etc. So the populatipon pyramid dips every 20 years or so.

That's not right. The irregularity is largely a result of immigration, which is why the adult count bulges like that. Large numbers of adults migrating to the uk causes that effect.

It's not true of that pyramid, certainly, but you can see such undulations in others and probably if you were looking at a pyramid from 1970 or 1980 in the UK you'd see the first and second world wars.
I'm quite worried about the consequences of Russian weaknesses or collapse. There are a lot of "frozen conflicts" among the post-Soviet 'stans. Russia has played an important role in stopping all those conflicts from blowing up into full scale wars by being the biggest bully in the room. If Russia leaves all this too weakened, I think it's quite likely that we'll see full scale wars between various constellations of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikstan, and Kyrgystan, and between Armenia and Azerbaijan. We could see Baltic level carnage in these states and that could draw in other regional powers: India, Pakistan, and China in particular, but also Turkey and Iran.

Not that I'll shed much of a tear for Putin's Russia, but the consequences may be dire.
Conflicts that have largely been created by Russian imperialism and will absolutely do nothing to unfreeze them as they'd rather create more like they're trying to do with Ukraine.
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It's not true of that pyramid, certainly, but you can see such undulations in others and probably if you were looking at a pyramid from 1970 or 1980 in the UK you'd see the first and second world wars.

Ah, you have to love ONS! Table 3 is fun.

The impact of the First World War on the 90 and over population of the UK: 2015​

I'll take that as a no then, how shocking, yet you're eager to drag everyone else and their children into a war.

Keep your armchair generaling to yourself, utterly clueless.

Sometimes war is coming whether we like it or not, whether we prepare for it or not. Hopefully not the case here but it is exceedingly fallacious thinking that this ends with certainty within the borders of Ukraine. (Or you've bought into the Russian propaganda).

I'm quite worried about the consequences of Russian weaknesses or collapse. There are a lot of "frozen conflicts" among the post-Soviet 'stans. Russia has played an important role in stopping all those conflicts from blowing up into full scale wars by being the biggest bully in the room. If Russia leaves all this too weakened, I think it's quite likely that we'll see full scale wars between various constellations of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikstan, and Kyrgystan, and between Armenia and Azerbaijan. We could see Baltic level carnage in these states and that could draw in other regional powers: India, Pakistan, and China in particular, but also Turkey and Iran.

Not that I'll shed much of a tear for Putin's Russia, but the consequences may be dire.

Where those countries get their military supplies from, and level stockpiled, will have significant implications here - countries dependant on Russian sourced equipment for instance aren't going to want to be fighting a prolonged war if that is cut off, though if Russia does have a collapse it might flood those regions with whatever can be sold off on the black market by desperate Russian regions and as you said the likes of Turkey are strong backers of some of those players and could be drawn into a conflict. India and Turkey especially are likely to want to capitalise on the situation.
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Conflicts that have largely been created by Russian imperialism and will absolutely do nothing to unfreeze them as they'd rather create more like they're trying to do with Ukraine.

Conflicts deliberately engineered by the Soviets to keep the provinces in line, at that. Part of the terrible legacy of Communism.
Daily Mail? really? Stop reading that trash!
Although there is certainly a strong possibility of calling up more troops in the future, seeing as his last tranche of conscripts have been wholly ineffective. That article is nothing more than fantasy and speculation.
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