Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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I remember reading months ago in telegram that some of the missiles they cannot shoot down. I can't find the Twitter post now but they didn't shoot down any of 2 different types of missiles this morning. Unsure if the West have the capacity to do that.

Edit: found it

It's a massive problem if they have no way to stop these :(
Some context is required there. Ukraine's own air defence systems can't shot down ballistic missiles, S300 and BUK was never designed for that (S300 was designed to take away NATO's air advantage) but they can shot them down with Patriot provided there is coverage.
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I remember reading months ago in telegram that some of the missiles they cannot shoot down. I can't find the Twitter post now but they didn't shoot down any of 2 different types of missiles this morning. Unsure if the West have the capacity to do that.

Edit: found it

It's a massive problem if they have no way to stop these :(

They need Patriots to shoot these down and they don't have enough for all the cities. These ballistic missiles were all fired at Kharkiv and that city doesn't have a patriot battery
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Theres a video has popped up in one of the Ukraine Reddits, two pilots "supposedly" one Russian and one Ukrainian, took each others aircraft out. After ejecting, having a heated discussion whilst floating down to the ground. I wont embed it as no doubt expletives are being shouted albeit in Ukrainian or Russian but I'll link it in if anybody has any dramas just remove the link.
I dont know the validity of the video. Surely fake, maybe old, possibly out of context or completely just a parody sketch. I cant help but desperately wanting it to be true though! The absurdity of the situation is pure comedic gold. :cry: :cry: :cry:
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Theres a video has popped up in one of the Ukraine Reddits, two pilots "supposedly" one Russian and one Ukrainian, took each others aircraft out. After ejecting, having a heated discussion whilst floating down to the ground. I wont embed it as no doubt expletives are being shouted albeit in Ukrainian or Russian but I'll link it in if anybody has any dramas just remove the link.
I dont know the validity of the video. Surely fake, maybe old, possibly out of context or completely just a parody sketch. I cant help but desperately wanting it to be true though! The absurdity of the situation is pure comedic gold. :cry: :cry: :cry:

Sadly fake, alas. It's a fresh take on an old meme.
Interesting tactic, given the success that Patriots had a few days ago the mass missile tactic might be an effort to make Ukraine pull them back to defend cities.
Twitter verse alive with reports a TU22 has been shot down
That would be impressive given that Libya retired theirs twenty years ago and Iraq's were destroyed in Operation Desert Storm ;)

For those who don't get the joke, the Tu-22 was an old Soviet supersonic bomber from the fifties, it was replaced by the Tu-22M 40+ years ago (proberbly the plane Twitter is trying to refer to). Comical note: Legend has it that the reason the two planes share such a similar name is because the Soviet air force demanded money to replace the Tu-22 because it was **** but Moscow said no, so they asked instead for money to upgrade/enhance the Tu-22 and got it, then spent it on a completely new plane :P
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