Ultima Viper System - 'Fluttering' sound coming from rear of case?

25 Feb 2011
I've received my lovely Ultima Viper Gaming rig today which is great, but there is a fluttering sound coming from the rear of the case, near the Ethernet port. It's very much like an insects wings that have gotten stuck, or a staticy sound. I know my sounds and this is not normal. It only started until an hour or 2 of use.

I would hazard a guess that it could be the vibrations from the machine causing the wires to hit internal components...creating this noise. Or a fan is very very gently skimming a group of wires...again creating the sound of fluttering!

I've looked inside but I cannot see as there is the large cooler in the way. I have video'd it and will post it later (currently downloading BF:BC2 on Steam ....with capped internet...good ol Virgin!)

What could it be?

Other than sending back and/or calling.

What can I do here? Is there something I can tighten or something, or perhaps rock the case. I'm quite embarrassed to say, but I know nothing about coolers or these pumpy things.

The most high tech thing in my old system was a hd 4850 and a sandwich with a bite mark out of it.
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