25 Oct 2010
here and there....
I have a new rig, that can produce awesome graphics and great speeds.

My partner hasnt seen it yet, but she "guarantees" me the graphics will not be better than the XBOX. yes, ahem, thats what she said.

i want to buy her a proper PC game, one that will utilise my i7 950 & GTX460
that will scare her to pieces.

Can anyone recommend one? something like half life, a kind of realistic uber scary game, not a zombie shooter. :eek:


Metro 2333 or whatever it's called. It's supposed to have really nice graphics, is an FPS like HL and is scary.
Metro 2033 with everything on Full is the best looking game i've ever seen. Its not ULTRA scary but fairly jumpy etc at palces, verrrry atmospheric!, but it'll slam the lolbox gfx in her face! :p
not sure on the scary factor because im a big girl when it comes to the horror genre. I found parts of Halo scary -.-
i use the GTX460 too.. wonderful card!

want i7 though :p gief!
A few people were on here were saying that Amnesia on Steam is quite scary. It has a demo as well.
As said metro 2033 or crysis for the graphics.

Condemned is probably the most pant Browning game I've played on pc, its a few years old now. Should be able to pick it up pretty cheap.

Prepare for your GF not to be impressed. Mine can't tell the difference between HD and SD video :/
Amnesia gets my vote! brilliant atmospheric horror, utterly nerve wracking in parts!

STALKER shadow of chenobyl can be pretty atmospheric and scary, wandering around the forest, at night, in a storm, being chased by the howls of mutant dogs with only a small torch for company!

FEAR 2 is also pretty good as other have suggested.

And of course as everyone else has said metro 2033, though more for showing off graphics than scaring people if you ask me, though it does have its moments.
The scariest games I've played in recent times are the Penumbra series. So much so that I couldn't complete them. Not exactly graphically mind blowing though!

As said, Metro 2033 is pretty creepy and STALKER can be jumpy too.
Prepare for your GF not to be impressed. Mine can't tell the difference between HD and SD video :/

I was going to say something similar. the only game my gf has shown any interest in was Heavy Rain on the PS3 which she really liked.
I was going to say something similar. the only game my gf has shown any interest in was Heavy Rain on the PS3 which she really liked.

Mine can't tell either, must be a non-gamer thing ^^

Graphics in Heavy Rain were pretty awesome though to be fair :p
I also heard about 2033 was abit creepy, whats the Aliens game like?

Iv never playted FEAR think i might look into that too....
I also heard about 2033 was abit creepy, whats the Aliens game like?

Iv never playted FEAR think i might look into that too....

Yeah its creepy more than anything, i went through it at a very slow pace, and eventually it stressed me out and i can't play it unless somebody else is in the room ^^ big girl i am!

Might be worth looking at the Screenshots thread thats knocking about if you want to check out some graphics... some people have mods which make games look iiiinsane!
What about Silent Hill - Homecoming? I don't know if that's any good but seems the type of game you're after
Amnesia for pure scares, although the graphics are average. Metro 2033 is a rather unerving game aswell and has great visuals. Play it on hard on a large monitor with the sound right up in a dark room :)
Amnesia will make her cack her pants! But the graphics aren't the greatest so you couldnt really show off your new rig. Get Metro 2033 for that although its not particularly scary.
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Amnesia actually really surprised me :) it's amazng how creepy it can be when you haven't even seen any form of monster or enemy yet!
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