Undecided Career Path

10 Nov 2005
Hi there,

Just wanted to get some advice on a subject that has got me thinking these past 4 or 5 months. So here it is:

I have just finished up my 2nd year of Computer Science at Queen's University in Belfast. I am on my placement year in Dublin with a big investment bank and I find the work interesting enough and relatively pushing.

I will return to Belfast come July 2008 and will continue with my final year of CS. I have been offered the opportunity to do a Masters as well due to my marks being very good, so I might be doing a further year after this.

My problem is this, I don't think I can see myself working in an office enviroment for the next 45 years of my life.

I am strongly considering applying to do an electricians' apprenticeship as I feel that I am a more 'hands on' person, probably after completing my degree. My friend dropped out of uni after 1st year and has just finished his first year of his apprenticeship in plumbing and he says it's the best thing he has done. The money is crap according to him, but he says he enjoys it - which is what I'd be looking for in a job, satisfaction.

The question is, should I do this? Would I be stupid to choose this route?
I really should talk it over with a careers advisor, but I thought I'd post to the loving people of OCUK first! I think this is my first thread, can't remember, probably not! LULT
Forget about money and do what your heart wants to do. Id rather do a job i love and really want to do, even if its for peanuts, than a crap job that is mega bucks.

Go with what your heart wants.
I would at least complete the degree you've put much into so far - seems silly to throw it away - and its easier to do it now than have to go back later and start the whole thing again. You can do an appretership aslmost anytime - but degrees are harder to do once you've ditched one. Its only a year - and a lot can happen in that time.
AthlonTom said:
I would at least complete the degree you've put much into so far - seems silly to throw it away - and its easier to do it now than have to go back later and start the whole thing again.

Sound advice, this leaves your options open. I hated my course after year 1 - but I pushed myself to get the degree and it was well worth it.
Got to agree with AtlonTom and caff. Whatever you do or don't do make sure you get your degree. Qualifications are easily carried and also demonstrate to a future prospective employer that you can commit yourself to a task and see it through to the end! So get your degree and then consider your options. If necessary take a year or so out!

Following your heart is fine. But in THE REAL WORLD you need money! Cars, Houses, Holidays, Girlfriends/Wifes/Children are all expensive, and you need to think about what you want out of life, both from a material and job-satisfaction outlook!
caff said:
Sound advice, this leaves your options open. I hated my course after year 1 - but I pushed myself to get the degree and it was well worth it.

Yip, I plan on completing at least a Bachelor's degree and not waste the past 2 and a half years of my life, so that I'll have something to show for it.

I have arranged to do a weekend of work at a house, with my friend who is an apprentice electrician. Hopefully that should give me an idea of what the working enviroment is like in the trade!
marl said:
Following your heart is fine. But in THE REAL WORLD you need money!

I very much doubt he will be underpaid as a qualified electrician :)

Either way, the advice about completing your degree is good. While I'm not a snob about having/not having a degree, it's something you've personally accomplished and will always be with you.
Can I just ask - you have done a 2nd year in CompSci, what have they got you doing in the investment bank?
You are certainly not stupid for exploring other options.

I my self am seriously considering giving up my degree as I truly believe I just cannot do this anymore, im in my 3rd year and just dont think I can hack another 4 years. I am genuinely considering just getting a job and working my way up.

I applaud you for deciding this early though, why dont you try speaking to an academic councilor and talking to some electricians and seeing if you could shadow them for a few days.
I had similiar feelings about CS, that's why my BSc is in computer and network tech. Maybe you could do your masters in something like that as from whats I've heard it's more hands on the CS.
Killa_ken said:
You are certainly not stupid for exploring other options.

I my self am seriously considering giving up my degree as I truly believe I just cannot do this anymore, im in my 3rd year and just dont think I can hack another 4 years. I am genuinely considering just getting a job and working my way up.

I applaud you for deciding this early though, why dont you try speaking to an academic councilor and talking to some electricians and seeing if you could shadow them for a few days.

Like I said, I'm going to be spending a long weekend with my friend as he does one of my other friend's house, so that should give me an insight into the working life.

I reckon I'm going to talk to my careers advisor from my university next week and see it from there. I beleive a complete degree would be better than simply leaving it all behind me! I have no problems with university life, in fact I'd go as far to say I love etc, and so have no qualms about finishing the degree and attaining a 2.1 or possibly better.

The money isn't really a factor for me, but then I would really have to see if the average salary would cover standard living.

Cheers for the advice guys, much appreciated! It's good to know that others think I am at least a little bit wise when I want to embark on other career paths.
I have arranged to do a weekend of work at a house, with my friend who is an apprentice electrician. Hopefully that should give me an idea of what the working enviroment is like in the trade!

What was it like?

I've got an interview next thursday for an electrician apprenticeship.
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