Uni Halls Internet is being annoying.

29 Apr 2007
Ok, I want to share my laptops internet connection so i can have wireless around the flat, but if I do this they block my connection as they think im using a switch or a router or somthing.

Is there any way around this? I can connect to my pc via wireless at the same time as it is connected to the internet, just not share the internet connection over wireless.

Is setting up some kind of proxy or VPN or something on my pc the way to go?

This is mainly so i can use my ipod touch to connect to the internet around my flat. It supports VPN

Thanks, Ross
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Thanks, will the uni be able to detect that im connecting with other computers, or using a proxy server? As soon as i click to share my internet connection then connect with the other computer im kicked of the connection.

it will work like so -

ipod --wireless -- laptop -- ethernet cable -- internet

Also can it be configured so it can only be accessed through the wireless so randoms cant use it.
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Ok i got it working, everything works apart from google mail as its imap and youtube video player but i dont know what protocol that uses.

Thanks for your help
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i dont understand

PS: does anyone know of a proxy that will support youtube videos and the iplayer. they wont work over the proxy on my other laptop or my ipod touch
I've never used uni internets, so I might be talking out of my backside. That said, if they filter solely on the basis of MAC (i.e. one MAC per student = one PC) and you get your connection by plugging an ethernet cable into the wall socket in your room, I was suggesting you buy a WRT54GL.

If you flash it to Tomato firmware, there's an option to change (spoof) the MAC. Set the router's MAC to your laptop's and voila. The uni see your 'laptop' connected, and you still get to have a WLAN. Make sure to hide the SSID though :o

Maybe there's more to it though? I dunno. Just making suggestions til someone more knowledgeable comes along. I'd be surprised if they can actually tell when you're using ICS or something though, much less a router so long as you set it up right. Hostname = "Ross-Laptop" and domain "MSHOME" in the router's settings should help convince, too.
They say they can tell when your using a router, as when i clicked to share my internet connection it kicked me straight away, and im allowed to have 5 different mac adresses. I dont want to risk it as i will have to make up another story about how i accidentaly shared my internet connection.

Maybe they can just tell theres more than one ip to the one wall socket thing or something

Anyway, what I am wondering is that is a proxy the only way to disguise connections coming from my ipod as connections coming from my laptop to use a proxy, or does a VPN do the same thing?
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Will this work

First of all two computers in the same network can co-exist with same MAC address and they can connect to the internet also without any problem. The only problem will be that the two computers won't be able to communicate with each other.
Now the question is whether it can be detected by admin? Well it depends. If you are getting IP address assigned from DHCP server, then it can be determined by DHCP logs. If you are using static IP and your network admin is using some sort of packet sniffers then he may detect 2 IPs with same MAC. In short yes it can be.
In order to prevent this, you can follow this procedure. You enable NAT (internet sharing) on one computer say A.Note: It must have another IP/interface to connect to internet. Assign it one local IP address. Next assign local IP addresses to another computers B and C (with same MAC addresses) and assign computer A's IP address as DNS and Gateway address of B and C computers. Now definitely your these two computers will be hidden behind computer A and the local admin can only see computer A's IP and MAC.

Oh, wait i cant spoof my ipods mac address.
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just get a cable router and plug it in. use the mac spoofer in most firmwares to set to the mac of the laptop or if you want to be cheeky ask them to allow the mac of the router as you have 2 laptops now or a laptop and a desktop
Im could connect a router though, and they wouldnt know, but as soon as i connected my pc to it they would detect theres two devices and kick me from the network.

Its not about mac addresses, just the number of mac addresses and/or ip's to the one connection at one time.
yes and a cable router is a NAT router which basically makes all of the data go through as it is from the router, tricking the system into thinking it is just talking to one machine
Oh, I didnt know that. Now i understand what you are saying. Thats very helpful thanks. Is there any way to make my pc act as a nat router or do i have to by one.
OK, Ignore everything above this post. (that i have said)

I may have been kicked from the network, as I accidently bridged the connections meaning the other computer was visible on the network and there was two at once.

I have a wireless ad-hoc network set up. If i choose to share my wired connection, will they be able to detect it as wikipedia says it maps the ips to ports on the computer like in a NAT.

Am i correct in thinking it will give me a static ip like a router, and so the uni will detect it.

Thanks very much for your help.

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yes if you share it to the wireless it should work as the computer is basically used as a nat router, however the computer will have to be on all the time you want to use the wireless device. if you got a router the computer would not have to be turned on
I want to try it, but i dont want to be banned from the internet... decisions decisions...

I read it gives you a static ip.. does this mean they can detect it.
Why does your uni allow you up to 5 MAC addresses if you're only allowed to have one device using the internet? More to the point, how do they expect you to have five devices online with only one socket, if you're not allowed to use a router? Surely not one at a time? LOL

Just get a WRT and plug it in, spoof the laptop's MAC and forget about it. That, or speak to one of the uni's proper netadmins and ask them what the score is. Booze and/or bribery may help.
Why does your uni allow you up to 5 MAC addresses if you're only allowed to have one device using the internet? More to the point, how do they expect you to have five devices online with only one socket, if you're not allowed to use a router? Surely not one at a time? LOL

Just get a WRT and plug it in, spoof the laptop's MAC and forget about it. That, or speak to one of the uni's proper netadmins and ask them what the score is. Booze and/or bribery may help.
They allow you 5 mac addresses so you can swap which one you have in at once. These 5 are for the whole year. For example you have a pc, then you buy a new one and you also have an xbox 360.

All i want to know is if they can detect ICS in vista by the thing taht i read that it makes your pc have an ip address the same as a router would have

When you enable Internet Connection Sharing on the host computer, the host computer's LAN adapter is automatically assigned the IP address of
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