uni interview?

Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
Ok, well I've been working for a few years now, but may have a chance to do a sponsored degree up in Sheffield. Any way I got an interview with the Uni later this month and was wondering if any one could help me out on what the interview will entail?

Also it’s on that day you get shown around, talk to the lectures and stuff. It starts at 11am any idea how long these things last? Need to book some train tickets up.

It'll totally depend on the department your going with. I was at sheffield and helped out on some open days for maths - the interview was basically 20 mins and not particularly hard as such - just an informal chat.

The open days are designed for you to see the uni and decide if you like it - not if they like you - they've already decided you have a place (grade dependent) if you get offered an open day.

They lasted till about 4 in the afternoon.
yeah, these things are fine - they happen almost everyday around here - it will probably be a short informal chat and they will show you around the department and answer any questions you have.
If it's like any other undergraduate interviews I have had, it'll just generally be a chat about you, nothing taxing, though depending on what course it is, you may get a couple of technical questions, though only one interview I had asked anything like that. They're generally just to find out if you're not a complete idiot / psycho / wierdo.

As you'll be shown round etc, I guess the best bet is just get a ticket that's valid for the day, if you come a long distance, and if the department is reasonably well organised, they'd interview the people that have come a longer distance first to let them get off earlier.
thanks guys..

Have to pop down the trainstation 2moz. See if I can get an open ticket, but generally if you choose the train its a hell of a lot cheaper.
Mostly likely to be a informal chat. Probably ask you why you chose that course, about your hobbies. They might ask you a question about the subject, but they probably would let you know in the letter telling you of your interview if you did.
theyll give you the usual stuff, so electrodes on the testicles for 10minutes followed by oil poured down your throat. if you dont tell them all your secrets then you pass!

(informal chat and look at facilities)
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