Uni question

31 Dec 2003
When should you start sorting out your student loan and accomodation? The only thing is i'm still undecided as to whether or not I want to leave home or carry on studying here and i'm worried if that leaving it till say July/August to sort everything is too late? Or is it?

This is for a 2007 start :)
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i did mine in August in my first year, I think I got the first payment a week late or something, but it was fine. you can apply anywhere up to the next june I think.
Rebelius said:
i did mine in August in my first year, I think I got the first payment a week late or something, but it was fine. you can apply anywhere up to the next june I think.

It's not the actual UCAS application if you took it as that. I mean simply the finance/accomodation part. How late can it be left really? I probably wont end up making a decision till July/August.
the accomodation depends on your uni more than anything, we couldnt finalise anything until around the end of august i think for our halls
go and ask someone at your college/6th form. i know at mine we had a talk about it and got giving forms to fill out, so i presume it be same for you or something similar.

on the accomodation side, look on your uni website it will tell you all you need to know about it, normally dont apply for accomodation till mid may or around then.
blitz2163 said:
the accomodation depends on your uni more than anything, we couldnt finalise anything until around the end of august i think for our halls

That's quite good news for me. I know the questions are quite probably university dependant but still.

Is it okay applying for your loan that late? Or does that really need sorting out?
Wardie said:
That's quite good news for me. I know the questions are quite probably university dependant but still.

Is it okay applying for your loan that late? Or does that really need sorting out?
I would apply early, its much less work, if you apply late (Like me) you will be running round like a blue behinded fly trying to sort everything out!
i was talking about the loan - but then I realised I'm scottish and you're not so it's different people. we scots can apply for our loans up until the next June (like 2008 for you) but since you're not applying for a loan from SAAS, I dunno mate.

I'd try an sort your accommodation out as soon as you know where you're going.
Useful info here: http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=357935

TSR said:

New Students

Non-income assessed: 27 April 2007
Income assessed: 29 June 2007

Continuing Students

Non-income assessed: 27 April 2007
Income assessed: 25 May 2007

If you put your first choice down on the forms I believe you can just fill out a different (shorter ;)) form to change it if you don't get in, and I imagine you can also change your living arrangements on this as well if you choose to stay at home. July/August isn't too late, but it will delay the payments and the people sorting out the forms probably wouldn't be too happy ;)

Accomodation will be entirely down to the University, so check their website and maybe email them to find out when you should be applying.
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you english people don't get much time to apply for your loans - I could still apply for my 06/07 loan if I hadn't already. And we can't start applying for next year until april 10th
Those deadlines don't mean much. Thats just when they would like it in by! I applied for mine in august one year I think and got it on time.
Get your accomodation done ASAP.

Your loan can wait. I mean I applied in like september so...
NerveAgent said:
Those deadlines don't mean much. Thats just when they would like it in by! I applied for mine in august one year I think and got it on time.
they're just the deadlines to guarantee your loan in time for the start of your course
Rebelius said:
you english people don't get much time to apply for your loans - I could still apply for my 06/07 loan if I hadn't already. And we can't start applying for next year until april 10th
as with you we can apply up until near the end of the year however if you want your loan for the start of term you should do your best to reach those deadlines
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