PapaLazaru said:What you are trying to do will not fix your problem.
Start at the beginning. What errors?
Oxy said:it wont help.
just delete client registry.blob and steam.dll in the steam the folder. Then relaunch steam
When I play online the game often crashes and an error message comes up then it says 'BlackOpsMP.exe is not responding'. I'm lucky if I can play a whole ten minute game without this happening. I read >here< that if you reinstall Steam it may fix the problem.
I take it you have verified the integrity of the games cache?
burrell said:That is an EXTREMELY common problem, just look at the Steam Forums, they're getting hammered with people with that problem, there is no solution.
I'm in a clan with ~50 people playing BO and approximately %70 of them are getting this problem, even a lad with a 980X and 2 GTX 580's.
Rumours going around suggest a patch coming out on tomorrow that will fix these issues and provide Server owners more "mod" tools.
When I play online the game often crashes and an error message comes up then it says 'BlackOpsMP.exe is not responding'. I'm lucky if I can play a whole ten minute game without this happening. I read >here< that if you reinstall Steam it may fix the problem.
Will this have any effect on my game progress?