University open-days. how many are you going to?

6 Sep 2005
Im going to see loughborough, kingston, brunel, then portsmouth.

my first choice is kingston to do automotive, or motorsport engineer. they only want 120 points ish which is pretty easy ( fingers crossed).
im going to see loughborough and portsmouth just for fun really. should be fun.

if there is anyone whos going to uni next year or the year after, which unis did/going you go to see? and what courses are you considering?
Not going this year, as im already there, But when i was looking, I went to see
Reading, Southampton, Kent, Exeter. This was to study Physics. Chose Exeter in the end. Awsome uni imo.
yeah. thats place sounds cool.

most my uni choices are around london so not sure if i can expect the same environment...
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