Unlocked Tmobile TYTYN with 3 sim card?

20 Oct 2002
Ive got a unlocked T mobile Vario II or tytyn and wondered if i bought a phone from 3 shop on payg could i whack the sim in there?

Probably not but i thought it might be worth asking?
Hmmmm which way do you mean? The T mobile sim in the payg 3 phone or the payg 3 phone sim in the tytn?

If the latter it should work but why buy a phone from 3, why not just buy the sim card? :confused:
hardly worth just getting a sim btw as they do the skype phone for £39 with £10 credit so £30 with sim so a phone for like £25 which doesnt look bad as it happens.
yes its fine i used to have a tytn 2 that was factory unlocked and worked fine with my 3 sim (poo phone though :p)
*NB - Three PAYG sim only allows £10 a month for data and not £5 as Monthly contracts can get.

This is incorrect, on PAYG on 3, you get one month of internet access for £5 as well.

Source: http://www.three.co.uk/personal/price_plans_/pay_as_you_go_/what_it_costs.omp

Add Internet Daily 1 day 50p
Add Internet Weekly 1 week £2.50
Add Internet Monthly 1 month £5

RE: The original poster, the handset should work alright as 3 used to offer that handset for a short period of time.
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