Unlocking a SE K800i !

5 Mar 2004
Leeds W.Yorks
This was my phone till I lost it (forunateley just before contract renewal). I've got a new phone now and I've just found the K800i in the garden. The phone was blocked by O2 when I lost it, but I want to give it to the MRS so she can use it on PAYG. O2 say the phone is now unuseable and can't be unblocked without screwing up my present sim card ! is this correct and is there any way to unblock it cos it's still a decent phone and she might as well use it ?
the_tyke said:
This was my phone till I lost it (forunateley just before contract renewal). I've got a new phone now and I've just found the K800i in the garden. The phone was blocked by O2 when I lost it, but I want to give it to the MRS so she can use it on PAYG. O2 say the phone is now unuseable and can't be unblocked without screwing up my present sim card ! is this correct and is there any way to unblock it cos it's still a decent phone and she might as well use it ?

Surely it is only a matter of them supplying you with the unlock code.
Do you have any evidence of your original purchase? If your an o2 contract customer(like myself) you should have some records of your purchase/upgrade so it MAY be possible to get them to remove the blacklist.
worst comes to worst flog it on ebay to some foregin contry where its not blacklisted
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