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Upgrade to 8800 - vista issues?

8 Jan 2007
Hi guys,
I've finally saved up enough to buy myself a 8800GTX, but it will run on a vista pc.
I've read that some of you are having problems with the drivers for vista, while others are running theirs absolutely fine, should I be really worried if I buy this card or should I just DL the newest drivers and install them once the card is in the pc?
In case you want the specs:

-E6600 CPU
-Asus P5WDH Deluxe mobo
-Ati 1950pro
-700W Tagan Sli Compliant PSU
-3X 250GB WD HD's
-Vista Home Premium
M8 im going back to xp,ive had it with vista for now as im getting nothing but problems with the 8800 gtx drivers and game`s.
So far on Vista i've installed Age of Empires, America's Army, Battlefield 2, BF2142, Call of Juarez, Civ 4, CSS, Defcon, Farcry, F.E.A.R, FSX. Ghost Recon, HL2, MOH Spearhead, Red Orchestra, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Supreme Commander, Unreal Tournament and WoW.

The only problem i've had with software has been with Farcry not loading certain levels - nothing lowering the shadows or using nhancer doesn't fix. Framerates are all spot on too. I still have a drive with XP installed which I created incase I got any hassles with games, but i've not needed it yet.

I'm pretty sure nvidia will have even better drivers with fuller support just around the corner. Apart from the lack of SLI support, the current ones are pretty stable. Why you'd want to run a blazing DX10 card on an old DX9 OS seems to me pretty pointless.
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I miss overclocking my gpu`s and temp moniting software,vista will go back on my pc maybe after sp1.
Interesting, I guess there will always be driver issues since Vista is so new.
I'm just getting a GTX because I can now afford one and it will most likely last well over 6 months untill the next refresh in autumn. :)
Will do some more snooping around to see if anyone else are having problems, and check whether or not my Lian Li V1000 Case has enough room, cable management etc. :p
Had3s said:
Why you'd want to run a blazing DX10 card on an old DX9 OS seems to me pretty pointless.

Ermm .. its faster in XP, less issues, and no software that takes advantage of DX10 right now ;)
Been running Vista with an 8800 GTX, no graphics issues. Although it doesn't feel as quick as XP, but maybe thats just me. The worst thing about Vista for me is the poor creative support but thats for another thread!
Off topic -

Yeah, creative's drivers work for me, but no sorround sound etc. :rolleyes:
I just hope the optical ports work for when I get myself a ps3, otherwise it will be a very quiet experience :p .

I Will most likely order the card tomorrow as i'm flying back to the UK tomorrow morning after a week in Denmark.
Hehe, grabbed a new copy of SupCom for 6£ in a store so I'm quite happy :D
Guess the GTX will destroy every single game I have until DX10 takes off.
clone said:
I miss overclocking my gpu`s and temp moniting software,vista will go back on my pc maybe after sp1.

Why not use the Gainward o/c tool? for your gpu, it works a treat in vista.

I've not had any problems with vista-gaming, just Tdu bugs. And i still can't aim for **** in Css.
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Im dual booting vista x64/xp at the mo and still waiting waiting and waiting for a good set of vista drivers.
performs on par with my x850xtpe in vista 64bit, going to install xp as a dual boot myself. I love vistas ui thats why its hard to get rid off :(
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