Upgrade to SSD or SB?

None... Get a Samsung F3 and a fresh install of Windows 7... then you will the snappyness everyone speaks of when they install an SSD. (because it's a fresh install and they want to justify 120 quid)

Then get a fancy new keyboard and mouse, or even better... some fancy speakers :)
Disagree. I've had Windows 7 on the same PC with and without an SSD and windows in general is a lot snappier with an SSD. Even after a year or so without a reinstall. SSD will probably give you the best boost in everyday performance. And yeah the M4 is best atm
None... Get a Samsung F3 and a fresh install of Windows 7... then you will the snappyness everyone speaks of when they install an SSD. (because it's a fresh install and they want to justify 120 quid)

Then get a fancy new keyboard and mouse, or even better... some fancy speakers :)

:D Lol. I like your thinking but getting an SSD gets my vote if what your after is general snappiness and responsiveness. The rest of the system looks quite well balanced.

+1 for the Crucial M4 and hang on until Bulldozer/Ivy Bridge is released.
I'd go SB personally. Beyond the load and boot times, your system will be much faster. An SSD isn't going to help you with frame rates or decoding etc.

IMHO, and SSD only makes up for the generally bad memory management in windows.

I would like an SSD, but they are moving at such a rapid rate of progress at the moment and prices are falling quickly also. (I'm not sure what will happen to prices once memory prices in general go up though, as SSD market is still very competitive.)

EDIT: I think what will happen though if you buy SB is that you will still want an SSD.... lol.
Haha, it seems I'm one of the few people round here still stuck on socket 775 :o It's not really a cash issue, more of a justification issue. If something is a big enough upgrade to justify the outlay I'll go for it :)

I just feel that currently, unless you do a lot of encoding or specialist tasks, the Q9550 is still a fine CPU.
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Yeah its still a decent CPU. the longer you wait to upgrade the more you'll get for your money. SSDs are pretty great atm though and it should last you a while. i.e. keep it when you upgrade your pc
This is my thinking, it's an upgrade I can take with me when I do head over to sandy/ivy bridge. If it will give me a noticeable improvement over my bog standard WD green then I'll pick one up.
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