utorrent connected to loads of seeds but REALLY slow speeds

29 Jul 2004
as titles really.

just a week ago utorrent was fast, i downloaded 150mb file in under 5 minutes, there was 16000 seeders available!!!!!

now i am trying to download something with 1747 available, im connected to 52 but my speed is 12kb/s!!

im sure all my settings are right, ports definately forward!
Could be your ISP throtling torrents or it could be a firewall/NAT issue?

You changed anything since last week?
not at all..

and how the hell do you register on the utorrent forums!?!!

it says
Click in the dark area of the image to register

There is no image!
I see dark area :p
AdladUK said:
Posted thread with the exact same issue here:


If you have BT (like I do) then it's likely they're the ones causing you the problem.

I tried routing my torrent traffic through a VPN and instantly the speeds jumped 10x.

Looks like your ISP has found a way to stop the encryption trick in uTorrent :(

Bugger I've had the problem too and I'm with BT Yahoo too.. Like you my speed was fantastic to www.themixingbowl.org however rates are much slower now :(

Time to set a VPN up to my other halfs fathers house or find an insecure network :)

mmm work haven't got any decent filtering... mmmm

Makes me laugh I'm a data centre engineer and monitor and maintain NHS Direct infrastructure. However the company I work for won't grant us any rights to their network.. Yet all the skills are in my team... LOL.. I refused to take my work laptop until I'd been give admin rights to it. That ****** off my local admin chap... Hee hee. But he's crap and we should be running the internal stuff..
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the plot thickens:

basically i downloaded another file last night which was 350Mb big and i had an average rate of 160kb/s. (checked this morning)

the 8gig file has an average speed of only 52kb/s but there are so many seed available.

when i said last week, i should have thought about it, it was only a few days ago when i had excellent speeds!?


p.s. me now= :confused: :confused: :mad: :confused: :confused:
btw to register at the utorrent forums use opera or firefox.

ie wouldn't display the image for me either
gurusan said:
btw to register at the utorrent forums use opera or firefox.

ie wouldn't display the image for me either

lol thanks!

omg just looked at the dw im now going at 140kb/s

i hope its just this torrent thats being retarted
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