Vampire the Masquerade : Bloodlines

2 Jun 2004
Just playing this through again for the fourth time... Damn this is a good game!

But I was wondering... I've just finished the Giovanni mansion quest (again) and when you go back to see Lacroix there is a big heap of rubble outside his building that wasnt there before. Anyone know why? I can't work out exactly what it has to do with the story. :confused:
I itried reinstalling this awhile bac but it kept CTD with me when i tried to start a new game, belive it was some kind of conflict with my Audigy 2ZS sound card.
Lagmeister said:
The Sabat attacked the tower, Lacroix basically tells you this if you go and talk with him if I remember correctly.


IMO One of the best games ever made. I wish Troika included a multiplayer function :(
panthro said:

IMO One of the best games ever made. I wish Troika included a multiplayer function :(

Oh yeah, I just didn't put the two things together because there arent really any signs of damage on the inside of the Lacroix building (just a few blood stains).

But yeah it's definately my favourite PC game ever. I've played through as a Toreador, a Malkavian (twice) and now I'm playing as a Tremere.
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I need to give this game another try now it's been patched. Which is the best patch to use, the latest unofficial one?
RichL said:
I need to give this game another try now it's been patched. Which is the best patch to use, the latest unofficial one?
I just use the official 1.2 patch and it is fine for me. The only bad thing that has happened is one single crash to desktop. But otherwise no probs.
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Do the patches fix all the horrible character floating and non-synchronised and voices in cutscenes? I will consider giving this another try if they do. I must've played the game for half an hour tops because of that, great game just stupidly buggy.
There are a lot of unofficial patches and the like out there as well, fixing little things like correctly giving you the magic sword type thing in China town which was nice.
I've always been put off this by the reports of crushing bugs, but it's only £6 now, and you all seem to rate it highly. Damn, I hate being tempted to spend when I'm trying to save. :(
Hostile17 said:
A great game, with really sharp / witty writing.
Especially if you play as a Malkavian! They have the best dialogue options by far.

I love the bit where Gary asks you if you've ever gone up against the Kuei-Jin (which by that point you havn't) and one of the dialogue options is "Yeah hundreds... I'm a Kuei-Jin death machine". :D
Well, I have to thank you guys. You got me to re-install this game for the first time in about a year, and after applying the official v1.2 patch, all the stuttering and video/audio sync errors have disappeared.

I'm going to go enjoy the game now, just got up to that bloody scary mansion. :(
seek said:
Especially if you play as a Malkavian! They have the best dialogue options by far.

I love the bit where Gary asks you if you've ever gone up against the Kuei-Jin (which by that point you havn't) and one of the dialogue options is "Yeah hundreds... I'm a Kuei-Jin death machine". :D

Yeah i have use some on the pick up lines in the game in real life. :D

The one I recall is "How do I get MY HANDS on THAT ASS!?".
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