Vauxhaul corsa tick over problem

22 Mar 2008
Having trouble with my corsa gls, when im idle my rev's are dropping below 1000 rev's and its hard to pull away. Ive been to my local garage and then want to charge 50 pound to sort it out. Is there anything I can do other than paying the stupid amount of money? Cheers
It shouldn't be ticking over at 1000+ rpms anyways. About 850 is normal, sometimes a little lower. Check the airbox/MAF etc for leaks before spending wedge for something you could have fixed.
idle air control valve ? remove clean with brake cleaner test :P

** common fault, this is prob what there gonna charge you 50quid for lol
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Well i heard that there is a screw inside your engine which the mechanic will turn which lets more fuel in making your idle rev's higher,but a mechanic will charge £50 for this.
Having trouble with my corsa gls, when im idle my rev's are dropping below 1000 rev's and its hard to pull away. Ive been to my local garage and then want to charge 50 pound to sort it out. Is there anything I can do other than paying the stupid amount of money? Cheers

definition of whether or not that £50 is stupid depends upon whats wrong with it

what is the £50 charge for ?
It's supposed to idle below 1000, and I doubt it could sustain 200rpm.

I'd be checking the idle control, how much oil is coming out the breather, looking at the ignition circuitry, and interrogating the major sensors with an examiner.
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