Venables quits!


I wonder if he jumped or was pushed - the article doesn't seem to know.

I wonder if Leeds can avoid relegation now :eek: I expect so but there's always a hope, sorry a chance they might go down :D
Originally posted by JohnnyG
Don't blame him, he had the carpet ripped out from under him almost as soon as he arrived.

I know he's been up against it since he took over, but quitting this close to the end of the season is well out of order, he should at least have ensured Leeds' safety.
Originally posted by JohnnyG
Don't blame him, he had the carpet ripped out from under him almost as soon as he arrived.

I agree it would be unfair if he was sacked for Leeds' poor season - having half the first team sold against his will had something to do with that of course.
I'd not be suprised if employing Venebles was a ploy in the first place. I mean he was never going to be accepted by the fans, it was obvious from the start. And he was never going to stay long term. Maybe it was just a scheme to distract while Ridsdale sold off half the first team.
they will strugle to find a good manager who even wants that job after the way they have treated him.

Originally posted by wohoo
I agree ratty, mind there wal talk of DOL returning.:eek:

David has publicly stated he would love to manage them b4 he retires (even thou he is young :p )

i think the players respect David a lot more and can actually go places with him at the helm
I wonder who will have the guts to take over and try to get the team to move forward.

With the likes of Kewel most likely leaving in the summer if he doesn't sign the contract, you will be looking at another poor start to a managers plan to get Leeds back on winning ways.
It is rumoured that venners left cos kewell wa gonna be allowed to go in the summer, mind he could do a good job for liverpool, leeds can have smicer and heskey:p
I suppose he had to go really, his postion was no longer Verry Tenable:)
Ahh, the old ones are the.....
I can't blame the chairman really, I mean he supported his previous manager with loads of cash for players and now with the current state of general football finances he's had to sell again. No-win situation for him.
Who to replace him? The normal names thrown around are O'Leary and Graham - although I doubt they will be getting mentioned!

O'Neill perhaps? Or is he going to wait for a bigger side in teh Premier League?

Just thinking, are there any other Leeds fans on these board bar Gilly?
Originally posted by JohnnyG
I suppose he had to go really, his postion was no longer Verry Tenable:)


Its a really bad time to leave as a manager heh, like Kev said its well out of order to leave now

Maybe they will bring back O'Leary ;)
Originally posted by Jazz

Its a really bad time to leave as a manager heh, like Kev said its well out of order to leave now

Maybe they will bring back O'Leary ;)

We want Wilkinson :p
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