Vendetta1923 online game (from the makers of ogame)

Just realised that first post isn't very descriptive. So here goes:

This is the type of game where you build and upgrade buildings which gather resources per hour (whether you are online or offline). You then build up an army of gangsters and go raiding other people for their resources.

Quite basic principles but if it is similar to ogame in the long run then when people are built up there are many complex tactics involved and the fun comes from outwitting people.

These type of games aren't online time intensive (although it does help sometimes) so if you're the type of person who pops onto the net once in a while at work etc then give it a whirl.
Mister_Pister said:
have you ever played ogame?!
You don't *have* to be online a lot to play Ogame. If you're turtling you only need to be on a short while each day to spend your res on defence and fleetsave any ships you may have,
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