Very short notice but...anyone interested in a minimeet type thingy?

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
To give you an idea on how short notive - I've got the remainder of the week off and have kind of decided to go to a few museums that I've always wanted to go to and take a few photo's.

Today: The Shuttleworth Collection *old planes*
Tomorrow: Brooklands *old planes and cars*
Friday: The Donnington Collection *old cars*

Yup - girlfriend has a new job so I'm now going alone. :D / :(

If anyones up for any of the days let me know - I'm leaving for Shuttleworth in the next half hour so if anyone wants to pop along - look for the sneezing idiot in a white tshirt and blue cutoff's trying to find out how his new camera works ;)

Well thats stuffed my day up - 2 hours on the phone to work... :mad:

Ad for Donnington - I'm there during the day sadly. Friday evening the other half has something planned for me... *ooooh... ;)*... as it's my birthday! :D

Just walked in the door from the Shuttleworth Collection. Fabulous place. Love it. :D

Hopefully I didn't make a complete hash of using my new camera.

Gamefreak501 said:
I have a day off Thursday, and Saturday. How would I get to Brooklands from Luton? (Sorry, excuse my ignorance, but I know nothing about where Brooklands is, or how I can get there).

As you're in Luton *I'm a Hitchinite now...sadly...* it's not too bad to be honest.

It's pretty much A1(M) -> M25 -> Junction 11 (A317) -> A318 -> the follow the signs.

Apparently it's quite well signposted.

For you it would probably be more like M1 - M25 etc....

lukechad said:
Happy birthday for friday flib! Its mine tomorrow :D

And to you - you young whippersnapper though. :p

I'm rapidly heading towards the grave...well...30 anyway. ;)

Brycheiniog said:
It is a fantastic place isnt it. I really like the fact that their aim is to keep all their aircraft airworthy & to fly them. The complete opposite of the other major museums.

THe airshow pictures that I posted last week were from there. If you have never been to an airshow their you really should as IMHO it is one of the best airshow locations in the country :)


Will have to go and have a look next time. Best bit is - it's 20 mins down the road from me and a total cinch to find. A1(M0 north until you see the signs...

Want to go to the Falconry bit as well - that looks very cool.

As far as I'm aware - most the aircraft they have are airworthy - the others are in taxiable condition. The Lysander is currently undergoing an overhaul which is a shame because I love it.

The Sea Hurricane is in superb condition. It's an absolute beauty.

However the winner for me was the Grosvenor House - the DH88. Shame it doesn't fly but it rocks.

Anyway - if anyones up for coming to Brooklands or Donnington - drop me an email at my mail address below and I'll send you my mobile number so we can meet up. :D

Just in the door from Brooklands.

Mildly sunburnt and my ankle is killing me *shouldn't have walked up the hill...or the banking quite so shortly after surgery*

2 x 2gb memory cards burnt through - not even shooting in raw as converting Fuji RAF files seems to be impossibe in PSPX :(

The Concorde is looking very good. Official openeing is next month. :eek:

Got a sneak peek at the cockpit and the Concorde simulator too. *Cheers Concorde Rules/James ;)*

It's another fabulous place - quick flick through some of the shots - got a few good ones and a few more duffers. :(

Still learning this new camera though.

Will be putting up some shots over the weekend. :D

Oh well - Donnington tomorrow.

Mohain said:
You can use s7raw to process your Fuji RAW files to TIFFs/JPEGs (which you can then bring into PSPX for further processing if you wish). It's rather clunky but the results are pretty good.

Will have to have a play with that - looks a bit...


Richard T said:
dont forget the post you piccies Simon

Will be after I've gone through and edited some.

Well - I've done 1 from Brooklands as a request from someone.

Linky - Caution - 2.6mb jpeg

Glad that my 4gb compact flash arrived before I went to Donnington this morning...

7gb of images taken. :eek:

Works about to be about 1600 shots... :eek:

However - after the superbness of Shuttleworth and Brooklands - I'm a little disapointed by Donnington.

It's a line of cars....
Then another line of cars...
Oh look...a line of bikes...
...and a line of cars...

It's a fabulous collection - but I'd rather there was less cars - but more spaced out so you could walk around the cars rather than just being able to see the front cleanly.

Although - Decide how high you want the barrier - or even....remove them!

It's a pain in the arse when you're sat on the floor with a tripod and you're tryign to take a shot down the nose of a car and you have to lift the rope with a foot that you've stuck out...

Causes some amusement when the only other 2 people in the place walk past you and you're balanced with one leg stuck up in the air...

All in all - I'm very impressed with the S9500 - not so impressed with my now broken tripod. *I dropped it and one of the legs bent enough to make it very, very hard to open out - well it was only £12 :D*

Anyway - now heading out for a meal as it's my birthday....

Also - tomorrow going to Bletchly Park. Should be good. :D

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