Veterans .Who thinks pc gaming have really evolved in the last few years ..

I think they have always been made for teenagers... the problem is, us "veterans" are no longer teenagers! :(

Not quite. Back then, teenagers who played games were also nerds :p We dug complexity, depth, and didn't mind using our brains.

Today's games are not aimed at nerds. They are designed to have mass appeal. That means complexity and depth are avoided, in favour of games that look sparkly and have non-stop action. Action! Explosions! Pretty colours!

Gaming is great at the moment. Plenty of quality games around from AAA titles to indies.

Still enjoy my gaming after gaming for 35 years. :D
I totally agree on the golden age of gaming from 1990 to 2003

I think it should be 2005. That way you get BF2 and The Movies.

I dunno what it is about today's games. Sometimes I think I'm just a burnt out gamer as I get bored quicky. But if I were to travel back to 99' and play games like UT99,UT2K4 and BF2 I would have an absolute blast all day long.

Maybe its a nostalgia thing. I do it a lot with the C&C/XCOM games
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Gaming is great at the moment. Plenty of quality games around from AAA titles to indies.

Still enjoy my gaming after gaming for 35 years. :D

The biggest problem today is, too many over hyped games that you buy, waste time *trying* to like, while true classics get older to the point where you just complete 1 out of 3 genuine classics, then a bunch of new over hyped/classics come out.

Too much choice, too much money, too many excited fan boys, too many reviewers who don't review games objectively.
As others said, those were your first gaming memories and they sure are golden. Never again will I play games like;

Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
Quest for Glory 1-4
Al-Quadim: The Genie's Curse
Full Throttle
Monkey Island

Etc etc. those where the good years
Threads like this always make me scratch my head in wonderment.

PC gaming has evolved yes, but not in originality or storytelling... that age of true innovation and scripts that wouldn't be out of place in the finest comedies are long gone.

The fact is that you cannot say you have experienced any kind of PC Golden Age™ unless you were a gamer from around 1990 to approximately 2003.

I think that viewpoint is a little negative.

Fundamentally PC gaming has seen a fundamental shift in that few big developers no longer make PC exclusives. There was a time when some of them didn't even bother making a proper PC version of their cross platform games and made nasty horrible ports.

Things have gotten better in that the PC versions are usually decent versions of the game, but long gone are the days of big budget PC exclusives. This is because all the small players in the industry disappeared or got swalloed by the giants. All of whom now act like hollywood move studios and won't finance a game unless its a sequel to a known money making franchise or a game produced by a developer that had a large money making franchise.

Having said that, the move from CDs to DVDs to Digital distribution has led to a golden age in small community led "garden shed" games published on platforms like steam. The range of indie games on steam is massive and something that console gamers can only dream of. This is where you now look to find originality.
The biggest problem today is, too many over hyped games that you buy, waste time *trying* to like, while true classics get older to the point where you just complete 1 out of 3 genuine classics, then a bunch of new over hyped/classics come out.

Too much choice, too much money, too many excited fan boys, too many reviewers who don't review games objectively.

Its been that way since gaming began imo. There has always been a high percentage of rubbish titles. I can remember buying hyped Spectrum games and getting them home only to find I hated them/thought they were rubbish.

Granted true innovation is often quite low but there is still room for a developer to take a previously done formula/genre and make it bigger and better.

While its quite natural for people who have gamed for 20+ years to get a little cynical and jaded I think gaming these days is better than ever. Such a massive choice of easily accessible games with plenty of superb fun to be had.
Different types of games have definately stagnated in recent years. I think this is due to everyone presuming people just want nice graphics (which most probably do unfortunately)
Going back to the days of Amiga there were many small developers who would develop games that would be totally different to anything ever seen before - From a select few of these came the main genres of today - FPS, RTS, Platform etc. however many of the other games (that didnt even fit into any genre) were some of the best and had the most creative developers.

I certainly do like todays multiplayer aspect though. Gaming with real people is certainly a lot better than a computer
PC gaming is better than ever. The offer is huge n varied, both new n old, there are tones of games for everyone which was not the case 20 years ago.

The perception that the industry has stagnated is wrong. Veterans has lived through the invetion of the wheel so yes, nothing like it will ever happen again but that doesn't mean the evolution has stopped.
I think that viewpoint is a little negative.

Fundamentally PC gaming has seen a fundamental shift in that few big developers no longer make PC exclusives. There was a time when some of them didn't even bother making a proper PC version of their cross platform games and made nasty horrible ports.

Things have gotten better in that the PC versions are usually decent versions of the game, but long gone are the days of big budget PC exclusives. This is because all the small players in the industry disappeared or got swalloed by the giants. All of whom now act like hollywood move studios and won't finance a game unless its a sequel to a known money making franchise or a game produced by a developer that had a large money making franchise.

Having said that, the move from CDs to DVDs to Digital distribution has led to a golden age in small community led "garden shed" games published on platforms like steam. The range of indie games on steam is massive and something that console gamers can only dream of. This is where you now look to find originality.

I didn't mean it to be negative, but it's imo just a fact. The same principle can be applied to Rock and Roll or modern music as we know it... if you didn't go through the 60's and 70's then you also simply missed the "Golden Age". It doesn't stop music now being good, but there will never be anything like it again. They are milestones in history in their respective fields.
The Golden Age of arcade video games was a peak era of arcade game popularity and innovation. Most opinions place this period's beginning in the late 1970s, when color arcade games became more prevalent and video arcades themselves started popping up outside of their traditional bowling alley and bar locales, through to its ending in the mid-1980s. However, some people refer to the Golden Age of video games in general as the entire period when arcades were prevalent in general, placing its start at the 1978 release of Space Invaders and its end in the mid-1990s (This is the Golden age in my opinion) with the release of home gaming systems which were able to rival typical arcade hardware, such as Sony's PlayStation and Nintendo's N64. Some refer to this latter definition, late 80's to mid-90's, as the Silver Age. Anything after that could be classed as the Bronze age.

Golden Age will be different for each person depending on age, however what ive said above applys to video gaming from the very beginning if you was fortunate enough to be around at the start of it all.
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What I miss is the longevity of games. Nowadays its like people move on to the next game in a flash. Miss the community from back of the bf2 and mohaa days.
The Golden Age of arcade video games was a peak era of arcade game popularity and innovation. Most opinions place this period's beginning in the late 1970s, when color arcade games became more prevalent and video arcades themselves started popping up outside of their traditional bowling alley and bar locales, through to its ending in the mid-1980s. However, some people refer to the Golden Age of video games in general as the entire period when arcades were prevalent in general, placing its start at the 1978 release of Space Invaders and its end in the mid-1990s (This is the Golden age in my opinion) with the release of home gaming systems which were able to rival typical arcade hardware, such as Sony's PlayStation and Nintendo's N64. Some refer to this latter definition, late 80's to mid-90's, as the Silver Age. Anything after that could be classed as the Bronze age.

Golden Age will be different for each person depending on age, however what ive said above applys to video gaming from the very beginning if you was fortunate enough to be around at the start of it all.

The topic is PC gaming though... not arcade etc.
The topic is PC gaming though... not arcade etc.

Yeah there's no doubt the the Golden Age of PC Gaming was early 90s to early 00s.

Deus Ex
Half Life
System Shock
Various MMOs (UO, EverQuest)
Baldur's Gate

Could go on and on. The dawn of so many amazing franchises.
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Yeah there's no doubt the the Golden Age of PC Gaming was early 90s to early 00s.

Deus Ex
Half Life
System Shock
Various MMOs (UO, EverQuest)
Baldur's Gate

Could go on and on. The dawn of so many amazing franchises.

Worms I still play now and then lol. Great fun game :D
While its quite natural for people who have gamed for 20+ years to get a little cynical and jaded I think gaming these days is better than ever. Such a massive choice of easily accessible games with plenty of superb fun to be had.

I disagree. I have 300+ PC games and have stuck with say 30. I'm playing Dark Souls now. Many people have more games then that and are in the same boat as me.

Your point is mute for most gamers.

Name 30 must have games in the last year, then I'll agree with you.
Classics are relative to different people. Bioshock series was mediocre to me for example, while the Division has been the game of the year so far(must get back on it).

We are in a golden age of gaming, without a doubt.
I personally agree with parts of seemingly differing views from Seanspeed, Richdog, Frodders and Gregster. No matter how strong or many original games were released I don't think that 1990 to 2003 was the only 'golden period' of PC gaming and that some recent developments such as crowdfunding, indies, rise of online and digital have all been responsible for improvements and new innovations in PC gaming.

Although the 1990's to early 2000's saw many great games on PC there was many great games you would have missed out on not on PC and therefore I think it's fair to say that there has been a greater depth of developers working on PC development and the genres is far more expansive than it was back then. I think in short the PC has had it's ups and downs but has been on the rise for a while now.

PS. I've been a gamer since the 1980's.
The topic is PC gaming though... not arcade etc.

Yes but my point being that Golden age will be different for people depending on there age and what they were exposed too. However if you've been there from the beginning i would have to agree around 1990 - 2000 is a Golden age of PC games written specifically for the PC and nothing else.

The amount of flight sims in this time frame is fantastic and unrivalled.
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