Video/music metadata and cover art finder

19 May 2011
Is there a decent program/ xbmc add on which can sort out my media collection for me?

Default xbmc and iTunes have been through it but at least half my music lacks cover art and other info or is misfiled in weird subdivisions of albums (like tracks 3, 5, 11 in one and 2, 9 ,14 in another etc, though under essentially the same album name). Much of it is from old CDs or torrents and so probably has incorrect file names or similar.

In terms of the video, xbmc insists on adding some non-existent BMW television program with no episodes in it and another random program with about a dozen episodes from assorted other programs inside it every time I have it create the library. Some episodes simply never appear in the library at all. I don't think it can be a format issue since I can play them manually from the files menu.
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I found the tagger in Music Monkey to be good, does album art too. Although I still wouldn't trust any program to do it 100% automatically.
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