views on red nose/comic relief

19 Feb 2007
I turned on bbc1 and witnessed the most dire act of propaganda on mainstream t.v

The whole thing is aimed at the middle classes, because who else better to induce a feeling of guilt for having wealth. than this area of society.

They have thrown the whole lot in, aids, cancer, starving black people, pedophilia , all carefully created to manipulate people into giving money, money that really wont do much good.

Its all fear based, and a total psy-op designed to brainwash.

how about donating a big chunk of our ridiculous t.v license bbc?

It stinks

To me its blatantly obvious whats going on here, and i feel as though im in a minority , and that stinks too

Dogoid said:
I turned on bbc1 and witnessed the most dire act of propaganda on mainstream t.v

The whole thing is aimed at the middle classes, because who else better to induce a feeling of guilt for having wealth. than this area of society.

They have thrown the whole lot in, aids, cancer, starving black people, pedophilia , all carefully created to manipulate people into giving money, money that really wont do much good.

Its all fear based, and a total psy-op designed to brainwash.

how about donating a big chunk of our ridiculous t.v license bbc?

It stinks

To me its blatantly obvious whats going on here, and i feel as though im in a minority , and that stinks too


Nice to see the spirit of benevolence, compassion and kindness is alive and well. Maybe if you feel your in a minority, theres a good reason for it.
Dogoid said:
give it to someone you know who needs it, believe me it will have a instant, more greater effect.
i agree with you there.
comic relief will have to delagate the money to several people before it actually in turn gets builders/doctors people trained or whatever in poorer countries. while handing someone say £10.00 or whatever the equivalent figure to the above would be is far more beneficial i suppose.

edit: doh i didnt mean that this isnt important, i meant that it would be better if people were able to contact poorer family's directly or something and send them food/money/clothing each month rather than going through comic relief who probably have basic costs to cover for these events etc.
caff said:
Better to give 10 quid to someone who needs it, than wasting it on myself.

So give it to someone on the street, then 90% of it doesnt go towards admin costs.

IMO its just glorified begging, but instead of being a ragged bloke on the street its all lights and publicity. said:
what for them to blow it on fags, booze and dog food? great idea that.

Knew someone would say that, but personally I would rather knwo that the money went to making someone happy for an hour rather than making an accountant happy.
I am sure that some money gets wasted on administration but the I can't believe the £30m-£40m it raises will all be wasted
sja360 said:
comic relief will have to delagate the money to several people before it actually in turn gets builders/doctors people trained or whatever in poorer countries.

Stellios said:
Knew someone would say that, but personally I would rather knwo that the money went to making someone happy for an hour rather than making an accountant happy.

One of the fundamental principles behind working at Comic Relief is the 'Golden Pound Principle' where every single donated pound is spent on charitable projects. All operating costs, such as staff salaries, are covered by corporate sponsors or interest which is earned while money raised is waiting to be spent (granted) to charitable projects.
Slackworth said:
I saw the Top Gear of the Pops.

:( Poor
I watched it purely for the Top Gear of the Pops :) not to bad as for giving money why dont all the celebrities dip into there pockets im sure they could put a nice little dent into what they want to raise ;) .
Loki said:
Nice to see the spirit of benevolence, compassion and kindness is alive and well. Maybe if you feel your in a minority, theres a good reason for it.

i am a kind person and very thoughtful to people less fortunate than i.

what i don't like is being manipulated by corporate short films into feeling guilty into thinking that if i dont give over money , then tomorrow people in africa will die , children will be assaulted by pedophiles, and people with cancer, will die.

thats the undertone of it all, its spears its way directly into your unconscious mind and will hold a permanent position there ,and shape your behavior.

think im a bit sinister and suspicious?

its because i am.

whether im wrong or not, is another thing.
Dogoid said:
what i don't like is being manipulated by corporate short films into feeling guilty into thinking that if i dont give over money , then tomorrow people in africa will die , children will be assaulted by pedophiles, and people with cancer, will die.

These things happen. You are lucky enough to know little about it. said:

You'll never convince some people. Believing that all charity money is wasted on administration is just one of the many reasons people use not to give.

I think things like Comic Relief are not just about raising money, anymore. I think we all accept that as individuals we cannot fix all the problems in the world. But by giving money in a public manner we raise awareness to this cause. Ultimatley once there is enough awareness from the general population Governments will do their bit. They could give double what the people of the UK are giving tonight just by making a few less smart bombs or something.

Loki said:
The very simple answer then is don't watch it

you said that as if the discussion was about the bill or emmerdale.

what im speaking about is comic relief as an idea/concept, not as a t.v show, although that is a aspect.

i watched it, felt sick, then turned off.

your right , it is a very simple answer .

too bad it didn't make any sense.
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