Vimeo v Youtube?

7 Jul 2009
Well Youtube seems to have made some very unpopular decisions recently, under the ownership of Google so i'm wondering if it's just me or is Vimeo becoming more popular because of this? Of course, the sheer number of videos on Youtube would make it hard for a large portion of it's users just to abandon it in favor of another platform, but i have seen people using it and embedding it more often.

How long until we see a [vimeo] tag on the forum? :p
Youtube's recent layout changes are just stupid, everything requires more clicks to access than before. if you change something it should be to make it better, not worse.
Vimeo targets a completely different demographic, it should not be mistaken nor as popular as youtube - that would ruin it somewhat.

they have sorted out all the mistakes they where making

vimeo cripples my macbook. must be using some even worse flash than YT

What about the non flash mode?

A lot of people dislike the new look, and that it's cut out features rather than adding them is pretty incomprehensible.
vimeo is for more "professional" stuff imo. partly due to its hd stuff being worth while. For film students at my uni a vimeo account is required :P
What about the non flash mode?

A lot of people dislike the new look, and that it's cut out features rather than adding them is pretty incomprehensible.

all the features came back for me after a few weeks. it was a right mess at one point though

vimeo has great quality

dailymotion is another video service thats popular. huge in france
Youtube seems to have made some very unpopular decisions recently, under the ownership of Google

Google has owned YouTube since 2006, pretty much all of the decisions at YouTube have been made whilst under the control of Google.

Vimeo supported high definition before Youtube so it was more popular for that sort of content initially. It's not as flexible as YouTube though as they have limits on how much you can upload. I also prefer Youtube because it is compatible with a lot more mobile devices such as the iPhone that doesn't support Flash.
Despite the recent downgrade of the youtube website I still prefer it's layout to vimeo which feels flashy & gimicky and loads more slowly in comparison, minimalist youtube is more functional and provides less information overload which makes it a preferable web design.
I much prefer Vimeo because you don't have to filter through a tonne of crap that youtube has, although so many people are posting skating videos =\
I use vimeo to upload a lot of my productions.
Vimeo is slow, offers poor quality, has a childish UI, has limited content and is poorly supported.

YouTube on the other hand is fast, offers decent quality, has a smooth and modern UI, has tons of stuff and can be used on pretty much any device you can imagine these days.

YouTube is the clear winner.
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