Virgin HD

Although I can't make the decision for you I would say that I like VM over Sky at my previous address I could not get VM. The OnDemand content is a great source and I would miss it. As for the HD side there is only one HD channel atm with some OnDemand HD content and ITV HD on demand coming in april also Before June 22nd (Summer)
Virgin will launch one or even up to five HD Channels.
it really irks me that they can't sort something out with Sky to get their HD channels ...maybe one day *sigh*... but apart from that the Virgin+ service is pretty good and the box is a good scaler.
it really irks me that they can't sort something out with Sky to get their HD channels ...maybe one day *sigh*... but apart from that the Virgin+ service is pretty good and the box is a good scaler.
Very unlikely Sky will ever give up that USP soon and when they do expect to be paying through the nose on VM.

ps3ud0 :cool:
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