we all need to phone them up and complain about our upload speeds
Might phone up to request an SH3.
I don't know how they can get away with 1.9mbps upload speed, It's really depressing moving to a new area knowing nobody and not being able to socialise on VOiP or play online games because they're not willing to upgrade their network.
I suppose it's better than my other half's internet access, she gets 1.9mbps down and 0.3 mbps up on BT in Wrexham, I keep reminding her to phone up because for what she's paying it's not worth it at all.
21's century and I'm getting upload speeds reminiscent of the early 00's.
i just swiched to vm i get 160mb but why is the wireless so bad i get one bar in the same room
Anyone else's VM down? When I try to go to a web page it redirects to 'websafe.virginmedia.com' and just hangs.
Same for me, some pages work, most don't. Was fine till about an hour ago.
Nah, mine's still borked.
I used to be able to force a new IP by changing mac but I don't think that works anymore.
It seems to be back to normal now. Got 7 ms to virginmedia hub Basildon.