Virgin Media Feedback

30 Apr 2007
I am thinking of moving from Pipex (a fixed 1Mb Package) and moving to Virgin Media.

I live in Whitstable(KENT) - Near Canterbury and am after Feedback.

If you do not live in kent feedback is still welcomed.

Many thanks
I have hardly ever had problems with them or any notable downtime. I have never needed customer services or tech support so can't comment on that aspect of it.

Only problem is recently when they switched to virgin media from blueyonder the unlimited service became slightly limited. In peak hours if you download over a certain amount your connection speed is throttled. It kinda sucks to be honest if you are a heavy downloader but not enough for me to change.
I am with Virgin and after we finally got a new cable laid to the house it is very good. I just upgraded to 20mb and download at 1850k which I think is pretty good. Was downloading at 470k on the 4mb service before.

The fact they throttle you if you go over a certain amount isn't really a problem, in fact I much prefer that to traffic shaping and nearly every isp is introducing something along those lines and this is the best solution. To be fair I can download 5gb an hour if I want so the 16 hours unlimited a day are quite sufficient.

Customer service is ok, it's premium rate but if you have a valid problem they credit back the cost to your bill, I guess thats to deter numptys from abusing it.
depends what level you are going for.

XL (20mb) seems to be having problems in many parts of the country, but the smaller sized packages, L and M seem to be fine.

The premium rate can be annoying as it charges you then refunds you but only if they find a problem their end. I have phoned up a lot of times in the past few weeks for them to refuse they have a problem and that it is my mac that has a virus/spyware on it and that is why my internet is slow! :/
swinnie said:
It was the ADSL service!

In which case most of the posts in this thread are irrelevant, since they apply to what might as well be a different ISP.

You might find something useful in the VM ADSL forum on thinkbroadband, here.
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