Virgin Media hosted STEAM Content server

31 May 2005
I recently posted this on the Virgin community forum:

Gimpymoo said:
Virgin Media hosted STEAM Content server?
on 09-11-2010 20:31

Can someone at Virgin please look into this?

Surely someone at Virgin can see the benefits of this and it would give them some positive press within the gaming community too.

The server could be "Filtered" so only those "On network" would be using the server.

The benefits to customers would be a constant speed to the content server, without being at the mercy of time of day or BIG game releases when using the public content servers.

All customers using Steam would benefit as downloads would be "local".

The benefit to Virgin as an ISP would be LESS "external" traffic which I assume would be cheaper for them.

If anyone is interested, there is information here:


Can anyone forward this to those with the power to investigate the posibilities?

Virgin + Valve = WIN

I think this is a good idea, however, it needs to get some support if anyone at Virgin is going to take notice.

If you believe this would benefit you as a Virgin media customer, please respond accordingly to the above thread and pass on to anyone else who you think maybe inclined to support the idea.

If you think the idea stinks, then I appologise for wasting your time :)

I was unsure whether to post this in the PC Gaming forum or here. Obviously, I chose to post here as it seemed appropiate but would likely get more coverage in "Gaming". Would anyone object if I double posted?


I have posted on the PC Games forum to try and get more exposure for the idea, if this offends anyone as a double post, I am sorry.

Something positive, nothing major but at least heading in the right direction.

Pete_R said:
Re: Virgin Media hosted STEAM Content server?
on 12-11-2010 13:16

Hi all,

I have fed your suggestions back up the chain.

Peter Rafferty

Help and Support Forum Team

Edit 2:

Well, over a year since the original post, a forum rep posted this towards the end of December:

PatrickF (Forum Team) said:

Unfortunately we've not anything else regarding this since the 'update' to tell you we hadn't heard anything It would, however, appear that the idea of a dedicated server is being entertained by multiple ISPs so I doubt it is far off to be honest.

I apologise I cant help any further at this time.

Kind Regards,

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Does steam even allow anyone other than themselves to host the data? Even if VM wanted to they would still have to come to a deal with Valve and maybe valve has no interest in doing things like this.
Did you bother to even read the post? :rolleyes:

In answer, yes they do, I would not have made the post otherwise.

For example, in countries where international bandwidth is expensive (Africa and Australia) to name a couple, this is common practice. There are other reasons too.

This would in no way harm Valve or Virgin, it would only improve their service proposition to their customers.

There are many "Filtered" (private) content servers around the world.
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I think that's an excellent idea. They can have a completely internal server just on Virgin's network. It's a great idea because they wont need to use external bandwidth. Could even save them money.
i remember when blueyonder were the gamers isp , they had a site dedicated to gaming with a forum for gaming and blueyonder hosted servers for every popular game at the time.

i remember playing CS with an 8ms ping :(
i remember when blueyonder were the gamers isp , they had a site dedicated to gaming with a forum for gaming and blueyonder hosted servers for every popular game at the time.

i remember playing CS with an 8ms ping :(

They had almost every patch and demo out there available on their servers :)
Yep bloody good Idea, we get stuff quicker (in theory) and VM save money on External BW.

I'd pop my head in but don't have VM until we move :(

As above, bring back the old BY days :)
I'd be interested thats for sure, I remember the old Blueyonder site. Maybe Virgin can follow in their footsteps so to speak. They are bound to still have some higher level Blueyonder staff, which may well help the cause...
Pretty sure blueyonder had a content server on Steam before. I'll reply on the VM forum thread :)
Be great if SOMEHOW ...BT could do this for all their customers + reseller customers. Now imagine how much traffic that would reduce :)
sounds like a great idea! Also means we wont get connections cut for steam downloads. (i would hope)

i dont see a real reason against this!
Thats how the internet was designed to work, ftp mirrors, newsgroups, time servers, locally hosted servers that benefit everyone. Thats what real isps should be doing instead of pandering to the entertainment industry and the government. Thats how it used to be :(
Thats how the internet was designed to work, ftp mirrors, newsgroups, time servers, locally hosted servers that benefit everyone. Thats what real isps should be doing instead of pandering to the entertainment industry and the government. Thats how it used to be :(

I fully agree.
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