Virtua Tennis 3 demo on marketplace

awesome, definately get this when i get home!

Wish all games would have a demo on the marketplace prior to release
Roll on 5pm - I know what I'll be doing tonight!

Anyone had a chance to play - how long does the demo allow - half a set?

This is the first true 1080p I believe for the X360.
Its a good game played about 20 games now was abit challenging at first lost about 4 games but then got into swing. Good thing is you have to come up with a different strategy for each opponent so makes it pretty challenging. Graphics are ok nothing mind blowing sounds abit naff and you only get 2 games though 2-0.
i like it, its just taking some getting used to! With top spin 2 id hold the hit button while running towards the ball, if you do it in this game they just dive all the time!
Too arcadey, I know thats the point but I feel Top Spin is a lot better. Not very realistic neither with them diving for about every shot!

Shame :(
andybtsn said:
Too arcadey, I know thats the point but I feel Top Spin is a lot better. Not very realistic neither with them diving for about every shot!

Shame :(

Diving for every shot then your not doing it properly your doing it to early which is forcing player to dive. I only dived a few times but ive seen video uploaded where someone diving for pretty much every shot that mad playing it wrong. :/

Its an arcade game always has been its does not strive for realism it pick up and play i find it much more fun then Top Spin 2 each to there own. :)

Play 20-30 games until you have got used to it then see if you improve. :)
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