Hi guys,
I am hoping you can help me resolve a few niggly faults I am having with Vista.
1) On the welcome screen my second monitor is displaying "Out Of Range". How can I alter the resolution and/or refresh rate used on the welcome screen?
2) When I play games, the second monitor remains as the desktop. This means I cannot pan left in RTS games. I have a 6600GT. I would like to just disable this when I play games I think.
3) Graphics Card overclock. I used to use a NVida control panel hack so that I could OC my graphics card. NVidia seemed to have removed the decent control panel and are enforcing there crappy one. How should I now OC my card?
4) I currently have 1gb of Ram and no Readyboost drive. If I bought another gig and a gig USB stick would I notice a big improvement with responsiveness of the system?
I am hoping you can help me resolve a few niggly faults I am having with Vista.
1) On the welcome screen my second monitor is displaying "Out Of Range". How can I alter the resolution and/or refresh rate used on the welcome screen?
2) When I play games, the second monitor remains as the desktop. This means I cannot pan left in RTS games. I have a 6600GT. I would like to just disable this when I play games I think.
3) Graphics Card overclock. I used to use a NVida control panel hack so that I could OC my graphics card. NVidia seemed to have removed the decent control panel and are enforcing there crappy one. How should I now OC my card?
4) I currently have 1gb of Ram and no Readyboost drive. If I bought another gig and a gig USB stick would I notice a big improvement with responsiveness of the system?