Vlite 0.95 beta (Vista reduction tool) released

21 Oct 2002
Parts Unknown


v0.95 beta

* new: Automatic registry defragmentation
* new: Setup memory requirement tweak (32bit)
* new: Image splitting support
* new: 'Paint'
* new: 'Desktop Window Manager'
* new: 'Application Experience'
* new: 'Windows Media Player'
* new: 'Windows Media Codecs'
* new: 'Wordpad'
* new: 'Sound Recorder'
* new: 'System Information'
* new: 'Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI)'
* upd: 'Snipping Tool' separated from the Tablet PC
* upd: 'Remote Desktop Client' separated from the Remote Desktop
* upd: Printers separated
* fix: ISO booting (BCD 0xc000000f Error)
* rem: 'Component Cache' removed

My isos are under 650mb now
might as well give this a bump rather than start a new thread. :)

this is a cracking bit of kit. just stripped the dvd down to 800 odd meg (pointless because 1dvd is still 1 dvd afterall :p). but the disk space you save is great. :D


this is after installing office 2003 and loads of other junk. it would be well under 5gig on a clean install. also my pagefile is 1.8gb so vista itself is using just 3.2gb.

i've removed all the builtin drivers and vista annoyances. windows defender, uac and the indexing service are gone for good.

it's too early to tell if i've broke anything but i didn't go too mad. i left most stuff intact. :cool:
marc, give nlite a go too (for 2000,XP,2003 and the 64bit flavours :))

my post nlite iso is around 120mb, thats including 7zip, firefox, winamp lite, media player classic + ffdshow

-plus the next version of vlite has unattended options :) (no need to type cd key, name, computername etc)
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bledd. said:
marc, give nlite a go too (for 2000,XP,2003 and the 64bit flavours :))

my post nlite iso is around 120mb, thats including 7zip, firefox, winamp lite, media player classic + ffdshow

reducing the size of the iso makes no odds to me. i guess it could be handy if working with pcs and you need to get as much other stuff on as possible. but i only ever use my own pc and all my setup software is saved on a separate partition ready to install.

i don't slipstream software/drivers either as you can guarantee it'll be updated as soon as you've burnt the disk. :p

i used to use nlite many moons ago. i just checked msfn.org and my last post there was aug04. :p

bledd. said:
-plus the next version of vlite has unattended options :) (no need to type cd key, name, computername etc)

cool. :)
well i've just tried nlite and it's changed a lot since i last used it. it's got far too many options now. i mean what's the point of removing a file that will save 40k of disk space.... :p

edit: i suck. my xp iso image is stil 280mb. :p
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I used nlite mainly for the unattended install and the ability to remove services.
Good to hear theres a vista version , ill have a nose next install :)
marc2003 said:
i mean what's the point of removing a file that will save 40k of disk space.... :p
Every little helps! /Tesco.

marc2003 said:
edit: i suck. my xp iso image is stil 280mb. :p
Haha, noob. :p I can get my XP iso's to be around the 170-180Mb mark.:cool:

No idea how bledd gets his down to 120Mb AND with some other apps in. :eek:
might be 280mg but still only took 8 minutes from install start to desktop in virtualbox. probably faster than it would install on my pc proper. :)

MarcLister said:
Haha, noob. :p I can get my XP iso's to be around the 170-180Mb mark.:cool:

well i did integrate ie7 which saves a bit of time and effort later on. :)
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marc2003 said:
might be 280mg but still only took 8 minutes from install start to desktop in virtualbox. probably faster than it would install on my pc proper. :)
Sweet. You make yours a fully unattended install as well?
MarcLister said:
Sweet. You make yours a fully unattended install as well?

yup. :)

gareth170 said:
or put it on a dvd rw.. :)

too much time and effort. creating an iso and running it in virtualbox is far quicker. if you have games to test, fair enough, but for normal windows/applications, virtualisation = win. :)
marc2003 said:
Cool. I do that too. Its quite fun watching Windows install itself without any need for my input.:D

marc2003 said:
too much time and effort. creating an iso and running it in virtualbox is far quicker. if you have games to test, fair enough, but for normal windows/applications, virtualisation = win. :)
So true. The number of times I've Nlite'd Windows, put it onto a CD-RW only to find that something went wrong. With a virtual environment its so much easier and faster to test it works and THEN install it proper.
or if you're a real cowboy (my mate does this..) acronis the virtual pc, then ghost it back to your main one (much quicker, but bound to have hardware errors somewhere down the line!)
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