Vodafone advert

Man of Honour
15 Mar 2004
What's the lastest choral/choir styled song from Vodafone's adverts. It's the one where instead of rain falling, you get little cogs and tidbits from watches and clocks hitting the ground.

It goes something like "tip tip top - when the rain is falling...dum dee dee dah dee dum dum doo" (<-ah shut up).
"Little April Shower" from the film Bambi. lol

How do I know this? From the girlfriend. I had no idea also. :p

Double checking the soundtrack for Bambi, I also found a song called "Let's Sing a Gay Little Spring Song" :D
I hate that ad. The premise of it is utter nonsense. Mobile internet doesn't save you time, it only serves to increase the volume of 'out of office' work an individual has to perform, as the Blackberry has proved.

Plus, watch components falling from the sky at terminal velocity would likely maim or kill anything in their path.

Down with mobile phone networks!
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It's a very effective ad. Bambi music. Genius. Their target audience grew up with Bambi in the Cinema and VHS.
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