Voigtländer Vito

21 Apr 2003
Amused myself in Ipswich with one of the above for a day - the photo processing (I got the film free and had no idea whether the camera would work, so just got the cheapest rate) came out with tons of black bars across pictures because my winding-on had been a bit variable and confused the machine.

Bear in mind I haven't used a film camera in many years, and of those film cameras, not one of them has been manual!

Anyway, it was a dull day but I got some nice ones. And as some pictures were whole on the negs, but came out with bars across the prints, I had a go at re-photographing the negative frames with a digital camera, laptop screen and a loo roll, and processed them myself in lightroom.

It all came out a little bit instagram, to be honest..!

One of the loo-rolled negatives:

P1070055 (Large) by sarawallen, on Flickr

My processing (hrm, could have been brighter):

P1070055_FF by sarawallen, on Flickr

The actual print, for comparison:

IMG_0002_FF-2 by sarawallen, on Flickr

Another I loo-rolled and processed:

P1070062_FF by sarawallen, on Flickr

Then a few just scanned from the prints, no fiddling:

IMG_0001_FF-2 by sarawallen, on Flickr

IMG_0003_FF by sarawallen, on Flickr

IMG_0007_FF-4 by sarawallen, on Flickr

IMG_0007_FF-2 by sarawallen, on Flickr

Oh, and this is what it looks like:

Untitled by sarawallen, on Flickr
Don't often see another Voightlander on here. Looks like yours is one of those fancy rangefinder models :D

Yeah it is, but the second image is so dim that the rangefinder is pretty hard to use! I need to get better at guesstimating distances in feet...
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