Wacom Intuos A4 Wide?

19 Oct 2002
Hi Guys,

I'm looking into getting an Intuos for my photoshop and illustrator work and was wondering a couple of things...

• is this the best thing to get? wacom have a lot of products and i thought of the intuos simply due to the good press it gets...

• maybe i'm missing something, but surely in todays markey of widescreen monitors, widescreen is the way to go with a tablet... but there doesnt seem to be an A4 variant which i would have thought would have been most peoples first choice? is there one and i'm being blind?
We have some of both the A4 and A4 wide versions at work, yes the normal A4 ones exist if you look arround. All the artists at work rate them highly (photoshop, 3DS Max, illustrator work) :)

They have very high build quality and are very durable. No jittering cursors here. With absolute mapping, I'd say that the wide version is the more logical choice if you have a widescreen or two monitors, other than that, only diff is the size. Works in Linux too w00t
matja said:
We have some of both the A4 and A4 wide versions at work, yes the normal A4 ones exist if you look arround. All the artists at work rate them highly (photoshop, 3DS Max, illustrator work) :)

They have very high build quality and are very durable. No jittering cursors here. With absolute mapping, I'd say that the wide version is the more logical choice if you have a widescreen or two monitors, other than that, only diff is the size. Works in Linux too w00t
ok cool, well i thought it would be a bit mad not to make an A4 wide as i would have pitched that as the most popular one...

mind telling me where one can be bought from? none of your standard online shops have them, just A4 standard...
You dont really need a widescreen version if you want to save some money, the drivers have a "force proportions" option, so that the active area of the tablet matches that of the screen.
Chaos said:
You dont really need a widescreen version if you want to save some money, the drivers have a "force proportions" option, so that the active area of the tablet matches that of the screen.
i aint fussed about saving money, i will have this tablet for a long time so want the one best suited for my application :)
I have an Intuos3 A4 pad... I have a "not brilliant" widescreen monitor and a normal but "still not brilliant" 4:3 one.

I actually prefer just using the 4:3 one for tablet work. Not quite sure why, but it works just as well with either.

Quite a lot of accessories available for it, quite expensive too, but I don't really know of any intermediate products - I've only used a cheapo one that cost about £20, and a wacom graphire 3 (or was it 4) little A6 nublet one. This blows all of them completely out the water, and so it should too!

Bought it 2nd hand from ebay, had had about 4 hours use. Bargaintastic.
matja said:
We have some of both the A4 and A4 wide versions at work, yes the normal A4 ones exist if you look arround. All the artists at work rate them highly (photoshop, 3DS Max, illustrator work) :)

They have very high build quality and are very durable. No jittering cursors here. With absolute mapping, I'd say that the wide version is the more logical choice if you have a widescreen or two monitors, other than that, only diff is the size. Works in Linux too w00t
hi mate, are you SURE you have an A4 Wide? they really dont seem to exist?

there are A3 and A5 in wide, but not A4 :mad: (seems insane!)
do you guys with experience of these things really think it doesnt matter?

since i can't get A4 Wide it is between A4 Standard and A5 Wide anyway... i'm split, theres only 40 quid between them...
I've got an a5 intuous 3, it really, really does not matter.

You don't change the shape of your mousemat/desk when you change the shape of your monitor, do you?
ok sound, that is what i wanted to hear :) so do you think the wide range is just a marketting gimmick?

also, would love to hear peoples opinions on a4 vs a5 for usability... like i said my main use will be photoshop, illustrator, fireworks, flash...
I'm getting the A5 wide next week sometime, decided on that as I use widescreen monitors and the A4 is HUGE, you measures desk space for the thing? Its really big l

Make sure you meausre desk space as thats the only thing I had against the A4, and the fact that the A5 wide suits me as I use widescreen monitors really :)

£157 from USA woo :D
Ill email you where I bought it but unsure whether they deliver to the UK

Im getting my so cheap as my friend went on holiday for 4 weeks in USA, so I bought a Wacom from a site and got it posted to him, he's bringing it back with him next week :D
There was a thread about these not that long ago, remember bigger isn't always better as moving your arm about a lot is a pain.
I'm getting the A5 wide next week sometime, decided on that as I use widescreen monitors and the A4 is HUGE, you measures desk space for the thing? Its really big l

Make sure you meausre desk space as thats the only thing I had against the A4, and the fact that the A5 wide suits me as I use widescreen monitors really :)

£157 from USA woo :D
Hi mate,

i managed to get one ordered from the US, but over there its not an A5 Wide its called a 6x11" tablet...

it looks a lot more widescreen than our A5 wide do you happen to know it thats the case?
A5 wide is what I am using right now, its the same as the 6x11, its just they use inches and not paper measurements :)

How much did you get it for including postage? You might get stung for import tax as well which might add upto 23% onto the price!

Had the A5 wide for 3 days now, love it, jsut getting used to it in OSX and need to start some work with it soon!
I bought it from amazon.com (who obviuosly dont deliver here) and got it delivered to a mates house in conneticut, who's gonna package it up like a gift and whack it in the post :)

EDIT: £160 ;)
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