Wake on Lan - Over Internet

26 Feb 2007
Leafy Cheshire
It appears that this can now be done using a couple of solutions.

1. Depicus
2. Some Site based PHP jobbies

So that's good. I'm playing with the idea of leaving a cheap low powered laptop at the folks house that i can connect to remotely. Being able to power it down (aside from the NIC) would be a huge plus.

My concern is... should I be worried about using some random program to access my Laptop? I mean, they could do a lot with my IP/MAC and the correct ports, right? The impression i get is that they mask your current IP with that of the LAN you;re connecting to... so they could just do that for themselves?

Any thoughts?
I used the functionality of ddwrt to do this, just vpn to the router then click the WOL button, nice and secure.

What router do you use?
One of those Netgear WGR jobbies i think. Hard to say, im in a diiferent country atm.

DDWRT would require me to flash the firmware right? Could i use the standard firmware or something like Hamachi?
If its a netgear it will need to be DGTeam, I'm not 100% sure of WOL is a feature of dgteam but I believe it is, can't check at the moment as I'm offsite.
I've been trying to set WOL over the internet on my system, but without any luck.
Local WOL works fine and reliably, so I'm pretty sure it's my router, but I've done all the port forwarding and even tried switching the router's firewall off altogether briefly to test. All failed :(

How might I go about trying to vpn into my router remotely to try and wake my PC up from S3?

(It's an O2 wireless box II)
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