Im really hoping that someone actually makes a film of this book properly. Neither the 1950s version of the modern Speilberg have done the book any justice.
The film should be set in late nineteenth century England. That's one of the things that make the story so spectacular. The aliens descend upon a human world of Victorian technology, but compared to the modern world, they are not that advanced. If you read the book, some of the alien tripods are defeated by batteries of cannon. You cant make this story very well in the modern times, because if you did, and you kept the Martians as they were described, they would have the crap kicked out of them by modern armour, planes, helicopters, etc. The film makers lame way of getting round this was to just say "Well, lets give the tripods some magical impenetrable shield LOL!!". Hmm. Sci-fi cliché #11,834.
It would also just be so much more original. I don't think I can recall any sci-fi film of this ilk based in the world of over a hundred years ago. I really hope someone decides to do the book justice one day.