Warhammer 40k Space Marine

Yeah, Gears of War reskinned. Not necessarily a bad thing but nothing amazing. Doubt I'll get it on PC. Would get it for PS3/360 though (if I had one).
Graphics look a little low but if the multiplayer gameplay makes up for it then I will be sure to get it.
This game had better have WH40k-realistic weaponry. As fun as Dawn of War was, all the weaponry was very unrealistic.

if the weapons function similar to the way they did in WH40k: Fire Warrior then this game will Rock... as long as it's not CRAP like Fire Warrior was!

<edit> just watched the Video, it looks like the weapons will work exactly as they did in Dawn Of War :(

Graphics look a little low but if the multiplayer gameplay makes up for it then I will be sure to get it.

seriously? the graphics look awesome!
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Yeah, Gears of War reskinned. Not necessarily a bad thing but nothing amazing. Doubt I'll get it on PC. Would get it for PS3/360 though (if I had one).

What an odd quote!?!?! :D

You do realise that the PC version is likely to be cheaper than the consoles versions dont you!?!? - Why would you pay more to get it on a console (strange comment in itself since you dont actually have one! :confused:) rather than on the PC??

I was listening to a podcast about this a couple of month ago, the initial design was GoW style cover based combat, but due to this not being how Space Marines act in combat (apparently they just run in head first) it's all been changed.

Also the guys at THQ can just ring up Games Workshop & order whatever they like for free. Got a mate whose into it - quite an expensive hobby it seems!
I was watching this be played at Golden Demon and it was far better than I or my friends expected. We all bumped it up to the top of our must have games list. You really felt like being a Space Marine they got it all right. They got it all right from the deep sound of Bolter fire to hoards of Orks.

It is not Gears of War reskinned. Its going to use Steamworks not Games for Windows, at least the PC version.
I was watching this be played at Golden Demon and it was far better than I or my friends expected. We all bumped it up to the top of our must have games list. You really felt like being a Space Marine they got it all right. They got it all right from the deep sound of Bolter fire to hoards of Orks.

It is not Gears of War reskinned. Its going to use Steamworks not Games for Windows, at least the PC version.


I'm going to be getting this when it eventually is released

It's a shame firewarrior sucked, the Tau are my favourites from 40K
Looking good so far. Really hope this one delivers.

With the bolter, cleanse the unclean.
We will cleanse!

With the flamer, purify the unholy.
We will purify!

With the chainsword, purge the corrupt.
We will purge!

With the missile, kill the impure.
We will kill!

What an odd quote!?!?! :D

You do realise that the PC version is likely to be cheaper than the consoles versions dont you!?!? - Why would you pay more to get it on a console (strange comment in itself since you dont actually have one! :confused:) rather than on the PC??


Because it looks like a typical console third person shooter, like GoW.

Also, do realise your name appears next to your post? :confused:
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Because it looks like a typical console third person shooter, like GoW.

Also, do realise your name appears next to your post? :confused:

Sorry, I still dont see why you would consider paying more for the same game for a console version when you dont have a console!?!?! I could understand if it was loads cheaper on one format - ie. better value - but its not!

Oh, and regards to my name, you know what, after 1600+ posts I've just got used to signing off with my name! (apologies if it bugs you! :p)

StevieP ;)
mart981 said “Because it looks like a typical console third person shooter, like GoW.”
Having seen it played live I can say it’s not a typical third person shooter like GoW. That’s what I went in expecting from the demonstration and was why I was so impressed once I came out.

It might have been before they changed it, but now it’s a real Space Marine game. The atmosphere, weapons & actions are all correct for how Space Marines should be.
mart981 said “Because it looks like a typical console third person shooter, like GoW.”
Having seen it played live I can say it’s not a typical third person shooter like GoW. That’s what I went in expecting from the demonstration and was why I was so impressed once I came out.

It might have been before they changed it, but now it’s a real Space Marine game. The atmosphere, weapons & actions are all correct for how Space Marines should be.

learn to quote.

back on topic.
better be team based, not just loan wolf carp again.
What an odd quote!?!?! :D

You do realise that the PC version is likely to be cheaper than the consoles versions dont you!?!? - Why would you pay more to get it on a console (strange comment in itself since you dont actually have one! :confused:) rather than on the PC??


Yeah I didnt really get this either :confused:

I think it looks like a lot of fun. I wouldnt say 3rd person games work better on console plus it will have better visuals as a bonus
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