I posted a thread about what I reasoned may be an interesting topic, about people's vices and how they deal with them. It quickly dissolved into a for & against drugs rant which lasted barely 30 posts, and just when I was attempting to get the thread back on the original intention, it got locked with no explanation. I've mentioned already that I'm not normally one to argue against a don's decisions, but was it really necessary to shut down a thread that had potential once people stuck to the point? Considering other threads have rampaged far beyond any validity, why the hell was my thread shut down without any kind of chance to even stick to the topic?
Note that I would have inquired about this issue personally, but whoever closed the thread didn't even bother to leave a comment, let alone a reason as to why the thread was closed.
Note that I would have inquired about this issue personally, but whoever closed the thread didn't even bother to leave a comment, let alone a reason as to why the thread was closed.