Water Damaged Phone

14 Jun 2008
Phone dropped into shower and water has seeped into the battery right into the front screen. phone turned on at FIRST howevr it sudenly turned off, tried charging, nothing, it wont come on. pretty worried, need the phone urgently, what shall i do???

how long did you leave it before turning it on?

I got a phone wet a few years back.. stuck in the boiler cupboard for a week and it worked ok.
my nokia 6300 went through the washing machine!
all the lights were on when i came out but no display, i took it to bits and left it in the kitchen window for 2 weeks. Put it back together and it worked fine
although its broken now 6 months later it had a good run.

water is fine just dont spill coke on it :D
My N82 went for a swim a few weeks back, take everything off and out, stick it in rice and leave it a day or two.

Should be fine, water is not so bad for phones, sugary drinks on the other hand....
Dropped my N95 8gb down a drain about 4 months back, it was submerged for about 10 minutes until i managed to dangle a neighbour down the drain to retrieve it, The screen was on but all white, I immediatly removed the battery and left it in the airing cupboard for a few days to dry out, All works fine now, It did have some residue behind the screen for a while but that soon went.

Unfortunately though turning it on would have been the worse thing to do as straight away you will be causing a short which could damage any number of internal components.

Good luck though.
I once forgot to remove my Samsung D500 from my trousers before i put them in the washing machine.It had a hot soapy wash for over an hour !. I removed the battery and sim card and placed the phone over a radiator overnight. The next day it had dried out so i put the sim/battery back in, switched it on & it worked first time.
It's the same thing with cleaning motherboards in water. You won't damage it as long as it's completely dried when you turn it on nothing will short out.

I've dropped my phone in some coffee before but I left it ages before I turned it back on. Now since I've done that it's on all night and I can't put it to sleep :(
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