WD TV Live HD questions

18 Oct 2002
The motherboard on my media server went pop over the weekend, and while looking for a replacement ION-based solution (with XBMC), someone suggested I look at the WD TV Live HD.

As a solution, this looks great, but I've a couple of questions:

1) If I've got a network share full of .avi/.mkv files, will it know to go off to the internet and get metadata about those films? So title, artwork, description etc.? Similarly for music?
2) How well does it cope with direct DVD rips, ie VOB files? If I've got a directory which has been ripped straight off a DVD, will it recognise it as being a single film and play it as such?
3) Does it have the capability of filtering/searching films by genre, actors, "favourites" etc.?
4) I've heard magical things about custom firmwares - is that a route worth looking at for some more advanced features?

Thanks all :)
1) Not with the WD firmware. You don't get thumbnails either (unless it's a particular MPEG4 codec i think)
2) Fine. Plays them with full menus too if your DVD has one. Also plays ISO files of DVDs the same way. Just select the ISO or dir containing your vobs and it will play.
3) Not with the WD firmware
4) Not investigated that avenue as all i really care about is playing the films which it does really well. I know a few people have custom firmware on theirs here though so i'm sure they can comment.

Custom firmware will allow you to use Movie Sheets, just google them for an idea what they look like.

Basically gives it a fancy look.
1) with custom firmware
3) no, you could manually add films by genre into a separate folder though and of course there's a such feature :p
4) as far as I'm aware, all it's for is moviesheets

Moviesheets using sheet mode on the tv
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