Wee bit of help with a new monitor

17 Feb 2011
Just received my new monitor. It looks fantastic but I want to make sure I am getting the most out of it, it has it's own settings to calibrate color and contrast etc.

Have tried Calibrize which is one I found on here, but didn't really like what it produced. Is there any other great software programs that can help me?

Also noticeable is a darker color of white at the top of my screen until I move my head upwards and look at it straight on. I assume this is natural, sorry for the naivety

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Partly a bump thread, but also notice another potential problem?

When I scroll up and down very fast, some of the writing doesn't leave the screen instantly? and remains for 1 second before it dissapears. It's quite annoying now i've spotted it. Is this ghosting? And should it be happening? Screen is 2ms and 80000:1..

Sounds unusual. What is the model of monitor? It sounds from your description of the white that you are experiencing some of the viewing angle limitations of TN panel monitors (or you have a unit with particularly poor backlight uniformity). If you scroll up and down rapidly you may notice a very slight residual trail but never one that lasts a second. Sounds like something might have gone wrong with the pixel overdrive (grey to grey acceleration).
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When I scroll right down to the bottom of the page, scroll up and down very quickly, almost snapping my wrist I see some text fade out to the left of this box we type in. I assume it's the text from the post above? I think I only notice it on darker backgrounds... ?

Unfortunately I didn't get my monitor from OC, unlike every other PC part I have ever bought. It's an Acer 243H, came highly recommended with great reviews.

With the darker shade, i'm talking about my desktop background image. It's a crisp white background with a lovely young lady on. In some angles the top is a darker shade of white, almost with a hint of green until I move my head so my eye line hits this area then it goes. So i'm hoping/thinking it's like you suggested - a viewing angle limitation?

This ghosting/duplicating text or whatever it is, is more of a concern I think... Maybe I don't have the monitor set up right?
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Well form what you say the issue with the darker shade of white just sounds like typical TN panel behaviour to me, i.e. poor viewing angles resulting in significant vertical and horizontal colour shifting when viewed at anything other than a perfectly head on angle.

As for the other issue, that to me sounds more like the kind of response you get from much older LCD's rather than a modern over driven TN panel. The way you describe it makes it sound quite extreme, bear in mind that this behaviour is normal on an lcd to a point ...if you moved straight from a CRT you might notice it, but it's pretty minimal now, certainly nowhere near as bad as you make it sound and a 1 second image retention ...well I haven't heard of anything that bad for a long time. There may be something wrong.

You do have the display connected via DVI or HDMI though right? ...not VGA. I've seen some pretty crappy VGA implementations on modern screens (since it's little used now) which does result in much more streaking and blurring than you would ever see with DVI.
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Have pretty much sorted the angle issue, by tweaking the colors it is a lot less noticeable and almost non existent. Only happens on a white background mind.

I have a proper DVI cable connected through a dvi slot. I have updated the drivers, again and now what I have described ALMOST is gone i'm just concentrating so hard on this 1 particular area where there is a lot of text :P. So unless it was the wrong driver, or a settings/color issue or it just needed time to warm up I do not know. But it's super good now :D

Thank you team

EDIT: When watching a BF3 video on youtube, when it's a black screen introducing the game. I think I get a bit of back light bleed? Similar to this http://www.flatpanelshd.com/pictures/dell2209wa_large5.JPG but i'd say a lot less and at the very centre top of my screen. Would you get a monitor with less than this at all? Or is this a typical thing I should just accept also...
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It's shockingly typical with that size of monitor. Don't worry about it unless it is distracting you if you're not actively looking out for it. :)
Well i'm looking out for it at the moment, trying to pick holes in the monitor for some reason. The clarity of pictures is brilliant and everything. Little things do annoy me at first but I guess i'll get over it, it's not a big issue, I wont notice it when gaming in scenes of BF3 unless it's pitch black :P Which is potentially never.

Watching films also I notice a very faint lighter patch at the central bottom of the monitor. Again very annoying at the moment but I hope I wont stare at it once I get into a film.

IF I was to RMA which i'm pretty sure I wont is there a strong chance I could get one WITHOUT anything like this?
Your screen will have what would be classed as minor excess backlight bleed-through. This is well within manufacturer tolerances and the retailer is unlikely to accept an RMA. You would also be very likely to have a repeat of the issue (if not worse) as the uniformity of blacks on such a monitor is rarely perfect. In other words I'd stick with what you have and I'm sure you'll get 'used to it'.
I shall get used to it, thanks very much for your help and everyone elses :) Battlefield 3 has arrived, just installing the almighty 11GB file.
I've been unable to even illicit the slightest bit of enthusiasm for BF3 ...then again it isn't really my sort of game.
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