Week old Fiesta ST and company gate - ouch.

26 Dec 2005
So i drive my car out the work today, and dont park it far enough away from the gate which the wind picks up and slams into the back of my Blue Fiesta ST that was new out the showroom last Thursday, bummer.

Thankfully the only damage is that one of the stripes on the back has torn a bit, and there dosent appear to be any damage underneath, but ive been searching on google and cant find anyone that sells the stripes seperately.

Apart from going down to the local ford dealer to try and get one - does anyone know a site that sells part of the stripes kit without having to buy a whole new set?
Burned_Alive said:
Just get work to stump up for the proper ford stripes?

You'd think they'd have them secured after all the problems with supermarket gates.

The company paying for it isnt a problem, its my company and my gates :p

Cheers Paul, ill take a wee look and see if i can find them. Its not a massive cut, maybe half an inch wide with a little line going down but since i know its there, its annoying me immensely.
As its the back I presume you mean the big white stripes going front to rear? Any signwriters than cut vinyl should be able to cut you something up to size, check out the yellow pages :)
yeah i had a sign writer live next door to me at my old house

he did scooby graphics, viper stripes the lot to order

something like a straight white line will be no problem.
InwardSinging said:
The company paying for it isnt a problem, its my company and my gates :p

So you noobed out for a moment :D :p everyone does.

You may as well get the official FOrd ones or just live with it. The first scratch is always the hardest and unfortunately one of many.

If its not that bad and you get it repaired something else is bound to happen.
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