Weight loss diary

I tested (and continue to test) positive for COVID, apart from sleeping more I've been OK for the last few days but it means that I'm still housebound. Thankfully I've continued to lose weight - 265 this week - but some of it must be muscle mass as my dumbbells don't really cut it anymore.
266, my weight has been up and down all week - I haven't had a poo in about 3 days!

My fitness is definitely recovering - I'm back to where I was before in my upper body and exceeding with my legs.
264, and it's been consistent the past few mornings so hopefully whatever was going on last week has passed. I used the rowing machine yesterday for the first time and I can barely walk today!
262, this week has been good; I've been cramming in as many gym sessions as possible due to a minor surgery preventing me from going for the next week or so - I'm not sure if I should eat at my maintenance calories to speed up recovery.
257, I mostly ate at my deficit but it was a struggle as I've not had much of an appetite this week.

I'm desperate to get back into the gym although I've injured my back slightly - probably from walking funny following surgery. I've still got three days to go before I should be resuming anything too strenuous so hopefully it'll work out.
Keep up the good work man, as others have said in this thread cardio is your friend when getting rid of fat, i went from 250lbs to 155lbs in 14 months on cardio alone.
Thanks! I took a couple weeks off calorie counting for Christmas though I did keep up with the gym - cardio and strength training.
Excercise is great and necessary but doing it will not reduce your weight. You need your input to lose weight. I’d start by cutting processed food like breakfast cereals and fruit juice. These are all sugar loads and empty calories.
Thanks, so far I've lost 60+ pounds and have cut out all that stuff - I usually eat one main meal a day made from scratch and then veg, meat, cheese and occasionally a meal replacement shake.

Currently I'm on 1750 calories a day, going up to 2000 on gym days if I feel I need it.
So taking the last to weeks off has led to a bit of weight gain - 263. I did eat quite a lot of cheese and drank a few ciders.
Back on track! 260 this week, it's been good to get back in to a regular routine - going back to work has helped too.

I'm up to 135 pounds on the lateral pulldown (120 reverse grip), I'm hoping to increase that while decreasing my weight for my goal of doing pull-ups by the end of the year.
Back to down to 257 this week, pretty much where I was a month ago but I feel a lot stronger this time around; I'm lifting more and with better form/more consistent reps. I've booked in with a personal trainer who's been working with my wife (her progress has been amazing) so I'm looking forward to that next week, and to reach the 5 stone total lost since I started recording my weight.
257 again, my weight has been fluctuating quite a lot over the last month but I think I'm replacing fat with muscle as my clothes sizes have dropped (started off in 4XL/48 trousers, I'm now comfortably wearing XL t-shirts and my 40 jeans are getting a bit loose).

My trainer recognised that my range of motion isn't great, especially my ankles so I'm lowering my weight while I work on form. My first session left me knackered!
Keep at it man, it you've made great progress since you started the thread. So much so, I think I might create my own weight loss thread in the same manner, just for my own little progress blog to have some kind of accountability.
Thanks! That's why I started and it's definitely helped keep me motivated.
255 this week, I've now lost more than 5 stone - not far to go until I'm below 18 stone!

I've started a new workout schedule before I start properly with my trainer in a couple weeks: Shoulders & abs, back & biceps, chest & triceps, and legs. I thought I'd be OK with lat pulldowns behind the head as I'm used to both grips in front of me but they were tough! By the time I got to hammer curls my arms were done. One thing I've noted is that my cardio time at the gym has been cut right back so I'll need to supplement this with more walking or some additional days of gentle cardio.
255 again this week, I was briefly at 253 earlier this week but I was quite dehydrated so it doesn't really count - I've mostly hovered around on the cusp of 254 and 255.

The new programme is going well although I can't do crunches at all, I think I'll work on those at home to save experiencing further embarrassment!
252 which puts me at 18 stone! I'm raiding the charity shops as I was down to a single pair of jeans that looked ok - I've found out the Tesco XL is a little larger than M&S XL so I've definitely got more to do until I'm comfortably in the XLs.

I'm getting a tiny bit stronger week by week but I think I need to up my protein more, I've got my PT session tomorrow so I'll ask.
250, my trainer checked and I still wasn't consuming enough protein; myfitnesspal had me at 130g for the calories I was set, this has now been increased to 200g.

I'll give it a few weeks and see how I get on, so far I've continued to lose weight without it affecting my strength but it'd be nice to see more of an improvement at the gym.
249 this week which I'm very happy with as unforseen events meant that it was difficult to track all of my meals and I've been closer to 2100 calories each day in order to reach my protein target.

Just 11 more pounds until I reach my target weight for mid April, after that I've got my goals of being able to do pull-ups and crunches.
248, another pound lost - again I've been eating closer to my one pound limit in order to reach my protein goals. Some days I've struggled to eat enough food, trying to reach a daily protein goal has flipped everything as I don't feel calorie restricted and instead look for at least 1g of protein per 10 calories in my meals and snacks.

My training has been a bit all over the place, on leg days every exercise was a personal best but I really struggled with back and biceps. Work on my core is progressing well though, getting almost a minute on my planks and 2 full sets of 12 dragging a kettlebell underneath (9 on the last set).
246! It's been a very good week with regards to food, I think I've found the right balance of meeting my protein goals while ensuring that I've had enough carbs and fats. At 1PM, porridge oats with water, vanilla casein protein powder and salt is very creamy and keeps me feeling full until dinner.

I've started a new cycle of training, my PT has upped my reps from 8-12 to 12-15 and I've gone from single sets to super sets - the day after I can barely move, it feels like I've just started training again! I've signed up for Race for Life in July, I'm trying to convince my wife to do the 5km muddy course with me.
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