Weird cramping issue.

8 Dec 2004
Paignton, Devon
Hi all,

Not sure if this is a medical thread and if it is deemed so then please accept my most sincerest apologies.

Anyway, i started up my weight training today after a very long break and after doing my dumbbell curls i found that my biceps kept cramping and trying to pull my arm in, It was fine if i kept the arm straight but as soon as i tried to bend they would cramp.

Now i used to have this problem with my Abs where i would do sit ups and have to lay flat for a few minutes to stop them cramping, i actually never got over that either.

I am warming up and stretching down so am a bit confused on why this would be happening, I am ready to admit it may be something i need to see my doc about but wanted to know if any of you guys have had anything similar
It's likely to be an electrolyte imbalance.

However, it also concerns me that the only body parts you've mentioned training are you biceps and abs, both of which are quite irrelevant in terms of prioritisation.

I am training all muscle groups but i only get the cramps in the biceps and abs.

I will try the banana thing and keep hydrated and see if it improves, if not i think i will have to go see the gp.

Thanks for the reply's guys.
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