Weird sky+ box

4 Jun 2008
Hi guys i have a query before i go to work in the morning i watch (earth final conflict) it starts at 8:00am but i leave for work at 8:40 so i press the select button at 8:40am and press record so i watch the last 15mins when i get home. When i go to watch the program at night i find it has recorded 51mins exactly it has somehow recorded 30mins of program that has already been transmitted so i have to fastforward through the parts i have already seen.
So how can it record parts of the program that has already been transmitted.
There are no recordings set up in the planner or series links for the program, and i have done this for a week now and all days have the same result

Thanks guys
For the live rewind to work, the box must be recording whatever channel it happens to be tuned to. The result of this is if you set the box to record a program part way through that you have been watching, it will record all or at least as much as the live rewind has already caught. The live rewind can be adjusted in the settings for up to an hour I think it is, or switched off all together.
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