Welcome one and all, to the GD Club.

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17 Oct 2002
Black Pudding Land
Thats right folks, step up step up.

This is the new GD Club, a place for more mature members of the Mighty Find OcUK forums to have a little rest and a chat. Spammy stuff, I believe, will not be tolerated.

Good, hearty, relaxed chatsies is the order of the day people. So lets get posting, and make this forum a brilliant success, without all the spam that has infected GD.
An interesting idea.

I'm sure however that most of the people who do spam probably think they don't and will be heading this way.

I'm guessing this has all been discussed anyway but would a spam clampdown on GD not suffice?
in principle it seems like a great idea, i think its gonna end up being a lot of work for the powers that be, in keeping it spam proof,

although i'll be very glad to be proven wrong
It will work sah.

I believe it will work, as there are plenty of people who want this forum, and have become despondent with GD. Therefore it will work, because the members know the alternatives, thus THEY will make it work.

Best wait for a word from your forum Dons about how things will run in here.
Originally posted by Mike
An interesting idea.

I'm sure however that most of the people who do spam probably think they don't and will be heading this way.

I'm guessing this has all been discussed anyway but would a spam clampdown on GD not suffice?
This has been discussed - at great length. Spammers are more than welcome in here - as long as they leave their nasty likkle habits behind :p
Originally posted by Cookie-Monster
in principle it seems like a great idea, i think its gonna end up being a lot of work for the powers that be, in keeping it spam proof.
I think that it will be quite easy, TBH. The delete button is quite simple to use :p ;)
Originally posted by 2blue4u
I think that it will be quite easy, TBH. The delete button is quite simple to use :p ;)
As it just has been, it seems....:)

The thing with clamping down on spam in GD as was, is that a lot of the time (I think) my little brain can't keep up and threads lose some of their meaning along the way. People post in reference to spammy threads that MAY have had some non-spam content, and then it leads to threads not making sense. People WILL spam, just not in here :)
An excellent idea IMO, i will continue to post in both forums, but it will be based on

A:) The subject

B:) My Mood

Hope it all works out well, and i'll be keeping a very watchful eye in here, so beware ;) :)


Originally posted by 2blue4u
This has been discussed - at great length.

It was tried, albeit briefly. And the Spam Kiddies were up in arms. There is the problem of what is Spam to one person is a sensible post to another - well, to the author :rolleyes: There is no useful definition of Spam that can be applied in a place like GD. Much of the problem there is not so much Spam but drivel anyway.

Anyhows.... This is not the place to be discussing the characteristics of the GDZ.
Can I just take this opportunity to thank the kind person who deleted my thread :) Long may the purging of Spam continue :)
Is there a "list" of topics that aren't suited to this forum, as opposed to the umbrella of "spam"?
if we remove post count from general discussion would that cut down on the spam or are spammers just attention seekers that will never go away?

*sits down in armchair with bubble pipe in mouth and slippers on*
Originally posted by Phantom
if we remove post count from general discussion would that cut down on the spam or are spammers just attention seekers that will never go away?

*sits down in armchair with bubble pipe in mouth and slippers on*

This was discussed in the other threads... the general consensus is it won't make a difference.
Originally posted by Jono
Is there a "list" of topics that aren't suited to this forum, as opposed to the umbrella of "spam"?

Any suggestions from posters are welcome, sir. At the moment it's at the discretion of the Dons as to whether a post is considered unsuitable or not. It may either be deleted as spam or moved to GD should the content warrant the discussion there instead.
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