well, i've just been banned from my fisrt cs: s server

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yeah my uni connection sucks as well. I manage to average 10-20% loss on each hop to our server thanks to NTL. Really effects how i play sometimes. Cant wait to get back home on a decent ADSL line :)
Sounds like a good thing im staying at home first year or 2 of uni then :p Couldnt be doing without my gaming every now and then.
better that it derails slightly :p than continuing on with the slagging match. Everyone gets banned from servers, sometime for no reason. Just need to find another one.
Firstly apologies Berserker.

Secondly, no apologies to anyone else. You can call me what you like but I have never banned anyone from our server unless they are obviously hacking, speedhacking or the like and its something that everyone else on the server can see, so don't tarnish everyone with the same brush. And Stelious, this isnt my second post on this forum, I registered my account last November and had another account before that.

Thirdly, if none of you are bothered about our server, the way it is run or the way you think it should or shouldn't be run then why are you all here crying about it. If you have a favorites list then instead of complaining about our server and how it differs from everyone elses then please, do us all a favour and go and play on one of your favorite servers. I can tell you right now that one of the reasons our server is so popular is because it does differ from everyone elses. Take that how you will, I really don't care. Infact, whilst we are on the topic, why don't you go and report it on the Steam forums as a case of admin abuse like everyone else does and see what they say. I'll tell you now exactly what everyone will say which is that it is the right of the admin to run it how they see fit, like I said lads, go back to your friendly servers and play it how you like, but don't expect to come to our server and get the same poncy treatment. The members have a laugh as do the regulars and they keep coming back, and bring their mates, who bring their mates who all like to have a laugh and a joke either by typing it or through comms. Fair enough some of it isn't for kids but we are supposed to be adults are we not?

Finally, with comments like "I don't care how big you are" well allow me to put that into perspective for you. I'd like to see someone with that attitude go into a pub where people swear or behave in a manner which is upsetting to you and then you stand up in the middle of the pub and tell everyone what you think of them and the way the establishment is run and see how long you last. The phrase 'hiding behing a monitor springs to mind'. In reality, you leave the establishment and move on and find somewhere that is more pleasing to you and your friends. We have people of all ages, backgrounds etc that join our server and come back for more. If it doesn't suit your tastes then do us all a favour and find somewhere that does. Its not CSS admins like us who give the game a bad name, its people who can't see the game for what it is, a game, I'm not a bad admin and I'm not over zealous, how many people here complaining were banned by me, not one I think you'll find. So if we were trying to have a civil conversation then you should have talked civil to me as I don't ban non hackers, but seen as none of you seem to be able to do that then as far as I'm concerned I've wasted enough time on this and its conversation over from my corner.

Feel free (Mr Miller in particular) to register and discuss it further on our forum:- http://www.majestic-clan.co.uk/forum/
AP0ll0UK said:
And Stelious, this isnt my second post on this forum, I registered my account last November and had another account before that.

Oh my, first spell my name wrong, and then admit to having 2 accounts, which is something the dons dont usually take very well.

I have no problem with swearing, and do so myself an awful lot, but hearing 'OH FFS' through comms every time a memeber of yours gets shot is very annoying an repetitive and is something that does not make for an entertaining night.

EDIT - LMAO @ R0551's comment.
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This is why I've never really played css. I can't be bothered with the hassle. I've got admin rights on my clans bf2 and cod server and if I'm getting owned then I'll carry on and try to learn from it not start banning people.

Oh and AP0ll0UK, your sig is too big mate :p


AP0ll0UK said:
Infact, whilst we are on the topic, why don't you go and report it on the Steam forums as a case of admin abuse like everyone else does and see what they say.

So from reading that you get a lot of people complaining about you? :confused:
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Phew least we got that settled Apollo, least you admit the admin are children and ban people for no reason as they can't compete. I guess with no skill and the big red ban button at their fingertips they can be forgiven for giving into their childish nature.

Glad thats one point we're settled on at least.

The members have a laugh as do the regulars and they keep coming back, and bring their mates, who bring their mates who all like to have a laugh and a joke either by typing it or through comms. Fair enough some of it isn't for kids but we are supposed to be adults are we not?

Ahh you also have selective memory, explains a bit more :p like we've said we went on for a laugh, I went on jumping/running around killing and having fun with the TMP. Oh wait a second .. that's not right because the admins were whining little children :D i guess I could say I had fun listening to them crying :p but then that's not really friendly banter and not really indicative of a nice relaxed friendly atmosphere.

Maybe I should really spell it out for you, actually in steps! yeah that'll do

  1. I Join
  2. I get no welcome
  3. I Buy TMP
  4. I Start runing around killing
  5. Admin start cursing at me for being dodgy
  6. I immediately get spectated
  7. I have a laugh with a few of the other non admin members
  8. Map changes
  9. Admin even more hostile
  10. I kill them some more
  11. They ban me

Awesome first introduction to the server wouldn't you agree?

Ahh just seen you've decided to beat a retreat while you still can :p good idea I'd say.
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Just a question.

I read the said admins were children?

..WHY? Children + css = BAD. Thats a given. Children plus admin, now thats just pure hell on everyone else. The game also has a 15/18 rating depending where you are. IMO, as a clan owner, I would never give a child under 16/17 admin, unless they were mature and responsible, which isn't the case most times.

Admin is a responsibility, I don't think a child can appreciate the level of power he has over someone without going "LAWL NOOB i can do what i want lawl" *ban*.

I cba to read anymore of the thread, seemed a bit of petty arguments and the like...

Sorry if I got the wrong end of the stick O.o
I'll read and post later on. and maybe join for a game :)
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james.miller said:
all the guys with the majestic tag's are the admin. it was Maje$tic.SaBeR who banned me. Friendly is off

go get em guys:D

Majestic have been seen on a server I go on as well

:mad: some well worthy tk-ing is due ;)
vaultingSlinky said:
Yea i used to think that, but ive grown tired of it, because no matter which admin/player it is they all have the same arguements/personality.

The fact of the matter is they arent very clever, and every witty thing you say to them, they will just repeat at you in a slightly different way, forget you said it, then call you dumb for picking up on that fact.

When ive been accused/banned/kicked i have often gone on forums or back to the server and disputed it and had a big arguement, while fun at the time i realise that this is the internet and it really doesnt matter.

Last week i got banned in record time from a server....something like 2/3 mins. I checked out the website and saw they were all css kiddys. For a change tho i posted loook i know its your server you pay for it etc etc, but im annoyed you call me a hacker sort it out, but i dont really care (with some light humour regarding their css kiddy status). To my surprise they apologised and unbanned me!

Nowadays if there is problem admin/players, i just change server and forget about it. Dont get me wrong it really does wind me up at times, but instead of pressing 'y' i now just press the disconnect button :)

edit: to be honest, this thread is pretty worthless, its just spam, to which i have now contributed a fair bit lol! Im just in a posty mood

Is your ingame name Slinky, if so I may have banned you for verbally abusing people on a server. Hope it wasn't you.
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