What are you doing this Geekend?

27 Mar 2004
Between Realities
I invented a word and wished to use it in a Thread, so here we go.

What are you doing this Geekend™?

Me, I'm scheduled for a heavy session of COD4 tonight with a few friends, Looking forward to it, because i'm pretty much a beginner on it, and we're set for a heavy heavy session, so maybe i'll end up semi pro!
I'm watching Gillette Soccer Saturday and in between watching that I'm texting some bint and having a game of fifa 09 every half hour or so. Ahhh. :D

Rest of the weekend. Not many plans, tomorrow will be my weekly feeding where I go up my mums and get treated to a huge Sunday lunch. :p
I would be finishing my dual mod for a PS3/360 compatible arcade stick but the stick hasn't arrived :(

Instead I'll spend the afternoon at the LAN centre and explore more of Birmingham tomorrow.
Destroying my mate in this weeks fantasy league, cutting the grass again, getting hair cut, then marathon FF7 and SF4 sessions :P
I 1000 pointed Night at the Museum in about 2 hours this morning :o I'll spend the rest of the weekend(gaming wise) playing The Beatles, FIFA 10 demo and possibly either Top Spin 3 or I'll start Banjo Kazooie Nuts & Bolts or Banjo Tooie on XBLA. Either way this weekend will end with me playing a Banjo game :p
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