What book are you reading...

I'm a fan of Sci-Fi. Just finished a Star Trek Destiny triology. Thoroughly enjoyed it and just started Star Wars - Outbound Flight and liking it...
Free Will by Sam Harris
An intriguing book based on the illusion of free will. Sam Harris raises some interesting points, specifically regarding the sentencing of prisoners and whether someone can every be culpable for their actions. However it's fairly short (90 odd pages) and lacks depth in several important areas.
Just ordered the first book in the Malazan series, as well as Call for the Dead by John le Carre and the EVE Online book, Templar One by Tony Gonzales.

With regards to the Gardens of the Moon (Malazan book one) and the negatives outlined by some of the posters here, I've made it through some pretty hefty and bewildering books in the past so hopefully I won't have too much of a problem. (I have read the Hyperion Cantos after all!)
"Rebecca" by Daphne De Maurier. Not my usual fare but recommended by a female friend. It's actually rather good and DDM has a beautiful way with words. Plus, I have learnt such excellent tips on how to speak to women as "I'm asking you to marry me, you silly fool." :D
My own ebook that came out recently. For the millionth time. Doing a final proof-read updatey-thing on it. Gawsh it's boring reading the same thing over and over and over...
This partly because I have a short story published in it and partly because it's comprised entirely of stories from people who attend my uni.
White Knight by Jim Butcher.

Usually I only read the previous book in the lead up to a new Dresden files book being released but given how long the series is now I figured I'd start again from Storm Front.

Need more free time at work otherwise I won't be up to date by the time Cold night is released though.
Just ordered the first book in the Malazan series, as well as Call for the Dead by John le Carre and the EVE Online book, Templar One by Tony Gonzales.

With regards to the Gardens of the Moon (Malazan book one) and the negatives outlined by some of the posters here, I've made it through some pretty hefty and bewildering books in the past so hopefully I won't have too much of a problem. (I have read the Hyperion Cantos after all!)

Don't listen to the Malazan hate, you are about to read the best fantasy series ever bar none. It's how fantasy should be written and I just wish there was more! Though I must say the more I read of Abercrombie the more impressed I am but I do find his flaw making in characters a little too signposted now that, that and his repetition of the same words over and over. If anything "sqwuaks" in his book again I will explode!! :p

I'm actually reading the "Black Company" series by Glen Cook which was apparently one of Eriksons inspirations. About 100 pages in and it's so/so this far.
Just read The Painted Man by Peter Brett - it's pretty cool :cool: Great idea for a fantasy world, decent writing and really looking forward to reading the sequel next.

Just out of interest having read GRR Martin, Joe Abercrombie, R Scott Bakker, and now Peter Brett all in a row, is there any 'adult fantasy' (no not the pr0n version) which doesn't portray women as underlings and sexual playthings of menfolk to be raped and ravaged at every opportunity :D I'm no raving feminist but it's getting a little tiresome now - I know it makes for an easy contrast for a female hero character but there must be something a little more inventive out there :p
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Just read The Painted Man by Peter Brett - it's pretty cool :cool: Great idea for a fantasy world, decent writing and really looking forward to reading the sequel next.

Just out of interest having read GRR Martin, Joe Abercrombie, R Scott Bakker, and now Peter Brett all in a row, is there any 'adult fantasy' (no not the pr0n version) which doesn't portray women as underlings and sexual playthings of menfolk to be raped and ravaged at every opportunity :D I'm no raving feminist but it's getting a little tiresome now - I know it makes for an easy contrast for a female hero character but there must be something a little more inventive out there :p

Robert Jordan definitely and probably Brian Sanderson as well. Patrick Rothfuss though I'm not a massive fan of his stuff, to be fair I think those that angle historically tend to the more male dominatedas it was way back. It's the more pure fantasy that tends to do away with this.

Oh and Steven Eriksons, definitely Erikson :D
Just read The Painted Man by Peter Brett - it's pretty cool :cool: Great idea for a fantasy world, decent writing and really looking forward to reading the sequel next.

Just out of interest having read GRR Martin, Joe Abercrombie, R Scott Bakker, and now Peter Brett all in a row, is there any 'adult fantasy' (no not the pr0n version) which doesn't portray women as underlings and sexual playthings of menfolk to be raped and ravaged at every opportunity :D I'm no raving feminist but it's getting a little tiresome now - I know it makes for an easy contrast for a female hero character but there must be something a little more inventive out there :p

There are some very strong female characters in The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks: http://www.brentweeks.com/ Granted they are not the main leads but they certainly didn't come across as underlings, they're quite a good read too :)
Well, I finished The King's B****** (illegitimate son) by Rowena Cory Daniels, and it was decent. Not the best book I've read, but not half bad either. I enjoyed the politcal intruige going on, although some of it I could spot a mile off while some of the characters are all 'derp herp whatever could be happening'.

Also finished reading The Ambassador's Mission by Trudi Cavanan, which I absolutely loved, and may well end up buying the rest of her books (I believe theres a series set before the one that Ambassador's Mission is part of?). Does a very good job of enabling you to read it without having read any of her other books before, I never felt lost for a second. Well defined characters, and plenty going on.

Started Dresden Files: Ghost Story by Jim Butcher. About 70 pages in and really liking it so far, impressed for my first Butcher book to be honest. Will also probably get the rest of the series after I finish this, mostly to relieve the guiltiness that comes from reading a book out of chronological order :(

On another note, the three books I ordered still hasn't arrived :/ Never had a problem with Waterstones before, but then again it did say it'd take 48hours+ to dispatch some of the books.
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I'm no raving feminist but it's getting a little tiresome now - I know it makes for an easy contrast for a female hero character but there must be something a little more inventive out there :p

I dunno about Martin. I think there are probably as many strong female characters as males.

You could try Robin Hobb's Liveship Traders books. There's plenty of girl power in there. I wouldn't reccommend them though as I found the first tedious beyond description. In one chapter a character takes a bath. For 15 pages. Nothing else. Just a very descriptive bath.

Iron Hands Daughter (David Gemill) might be worth a try. Although frankly the lead character is just a man written as a woman in most ways.
I'm a fan of Sci-Fi. Just finished a Star Trek Destiny triology. Thoroughly enjoyed it and just started Star Wars - Outbound Flight and liking it...

Love Destiny, really shakes up the ST universe.

There's a lot of books that follow on directly from Destiny you'll want to read.

The direct follow on is - A Singular Destiny --> Losing the Peace

Then the 'Typhon Pact' series:

Zero Sum Game
Seize the Fire
Rough Beasts of Empire
Paths of Disharmony
Plagues of Night <--- epic
Raise the Dawn <--- epic

Filling in the gaps between those with what's going on elsewhere are:

Over a Torrent Sea
Synthesis <--- This is epic
Seize the Fire
Fallen Gods (Jul12)

Indistinguishable from Magic
Cold Equations Trilogy:
--The Persistence of Memory (Oct12)
--Silent Weapons (Nov12)
--The Body Electric (Dec12)

Full Circle <-- (Great reboot!)
Children of the Storm
The Eternal Tide (Aug 2012)

I wish they'd do more Aventine books, I love the crew and the ship itself is pure gorgeous :D

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Just finished the prologue of Midnight Tides, the 5th book in the Malazan series. What I can say, other than what a start! The book has some serious work to do to match it.

Anyone even slightly considering reading the series, do yourself a favour and do it. They are the best books I've ever read, absolutely bar none. I thought Martin and Jordan were great authors but Erikson takes writing to a whole new level. Amazing.
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